I appreciate your willingness to write a story that reflects deep ambivalence.
I appreciate your willingness to write a story that reflects deep ambivalence.
I compared the Bowie story to drunk driving. Just because it doesn’t seem like there were any victims in this particular encounter, it doesn’t mean that what he did wasn’t wrong. I’m glad Lori Maddox has nothing but good feelings about everything that transpired, but Bowie was the adult in the situation, and he was…
Alice Cooper was the only one of that crew who was suitable for memorializing Lemmy. I can buy Duff McKagan and Matt Sorem being in the backup band, because GNR was certainly influenced by Motorhead. But GTFO Johnny Depp, and hate to say it, but you too Joe Perry. I’m not a big fan of Alice Cooper’s work, but he’s a…
Perhaps the “whole adult life paying back student loans” thing will become a thing of the past upon the election of Hill or Bern. Both want to make it possible to refi loans at “current rates” - so taking ~ 7% loans and refinancing them at ~ 2% would make it infinitely easier for people to get them paid back. Besides…
I’m beginning to suspect you do not have my best interests at heart, despite your kindly advice that I take a deep breath and move on. Because there I was, finally getting around to reading Dirt Bag, hours behind schedule, excited to discover if I would believe Bobby Finger if he told me that Liam Neeson is dating…
omg can we plz talk about how friends are the worst
Yer screen name is awesome. How can you not have awesome friends?!
I legit thought there was something wrong with me because I find my close friends annoying. I still love them, but they are just fucking annoying sometimes. I feel normal now!
Hmm, I think they like each other a lot. But...aren’t you ever annoyed by your friends?
part of me wonders though if that is part of the campaign itself (and i don’t mean that in a conspiracy theory way, i just mean in terms of politics). present the image of being against a certain practice, then give in in places where it hurts (like consumer bankruptcy legislation, which elizabeth warren has made…
it’s hard to think of a better symbol of “white feminism” than hillary clinton. i am a woman and i resent this use of gender to push back when she has been totally ok d*cking over all types of women repeatedly. i say this in total recognition of the overlap, but here they are, spelled out individually: haitian women,…
I sometimes wonder if she is going to grow into better opinions. When I was (much) younger, I had more sympathy for the anti-choice perspective and I thought affirmative action was racist against whites. As my brain finished developing, I came to realize I’d been wrong. Maybe Megyn’s brain is still forming?
I am waiting for enough stuff to personally effect her that she finally becomes a democrat.
It’s so tough to know just who to hate and how much.
But what if her plan is to destroy Fox News from the inside? I like to think she’s playing the part of a good conservative but, really, she’s just starting shit within Fox. She has already damaged the channel’s relationship with Trump and now she had made it’s biggest star unhappy. I really want to believe she’s going…
http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slat… for example.
You know O’Reilly identifies as an Independent too right? Party ID means nothing in the news biz. Many aspiring journalists and TV commentators avoid registering with a political party because it limits their brand. Also I’m pretty liberal as they come, but even I’ve cast a vote for a Republican before so I don’t take…
And she actively pushes a lot of pretty horrible lies. Her shit with the New Black Panthers is just sad.
She’s Bill O’Reilly but with better looks, a slightly less douchy personality and she does manage a few more redeeming moments. But overall let’s be honest she’s been a douche over there at Fox.