Snacktastic Part III: the Return of the Spatula


The American ruling class has a very long history of stoking white fear in order to avoid change that would materially improve the lives of poor white Americans. It is as old as chattel slavery whose adherents used race to separate the African slaves from poor white laborers and domestics from Northern Europe. It

Who gives a shit about Steven Avery? What about his nephew, Brendan?

Yes, some of us care. I firmly believe, no matter how horrible a person is or their crimes were, that no one should be tortured, raped, or abused in prison. I don’t believe in the death penalty, either. This terrible excuse for a human will have a huge target on his back. If we want ethical and responsible prison

I know someone who was housed in the same facility as Dzhokhar Tsarnaev his first year in. No other inmates ever, ever saw him and the entire wing was closed off, apparently.

Do you really care tho? I know I don’t.

I have my vloggers crossed (maybe). Sam and Nia are the pregnancy doofuses (doofi)? And the Holdernesses are these guys?

I love that this comment comes from BUTTS.

Figured that would be his response. Kanye, you got fucking played! Amber clearly knows your ass well...and intimately. Ain’t no shame in ass game!

Oh Rob you are so petty...and I approve. Troll the fuck out of your family it brimgs me great joy. Also wtf Val?? I am very close to unfollowing you on Insta!

When I saw the Dax/Kristen video, without introduction, I thought it was the Holdernesses. *Cringe* *Someone holder me*

Oh my god, the rest of the world has discovered otherkin.

One of the worst moments in the Schiavo fiasco was the congressional vote on the Schiavo bill (which conferred standing on Schiavo’s parents to go to court to keep her alive). Senate Democrats, who are among the most timorous creatures in the animal kingdom, were especially cowardly on this issue: They stayed out of

I know. It became this really really sick political game, people seemed to forget we’re talking about a real person here who actually died a long time ago. If this woman did have any brain cognition left at all I can’t imagine the nightmare it would be to be stuck living like that for so long. Also brought up the

However bad you remember it was worse. The best account I ever saw of exactly how unspeakably awful it was is from Charles Pierce at (It’s an excerpt from a book, I think, but they reprinted it.) Long, but worth the stomach-turning, rage-inducing read.…

This story was a real watershed event for me. It was the first time that I realized the religious nuts will simply lie to get their way. Remember when Sen. Bill Frist, a Heart Surgeon, said she wasn’t in a coma and then walked it all back after the autopsy? Fuck these people.

A friend brought this case up recently. We were young when it happened, so she’d heard about it from her mom. Her takeaway was that he was this jerk who tried o take her off life support immediately, because he wanted to marry someone else. I was like ummm no he watched her like that for YEARS before he made that

That whole episode still pisses me off years later. I don’t know if there’s a better example of how the right’s commitment to “small government” and complaints about “government overreach” are complete nonsense. They’re quite happy to ignore all sorts of boundaries in pursuit of their sacred cows. The behavior of some

This poor, poor man. To think it didn’t occur to Bush’s camp that it might be perceived as opportunistic, exploitative and cruel to use this image on top of having been opportunistic, exploitative and cruel about her private ordeal... What truly horrible people.

Couldn’t have said it better myself. If that’s something Jeb Bush considers a win though that pasty bland fool rly needs to reexamine his life.