Snacktastic Part III: the Return of the Spatula

It is fascinating to me how much people are swayed by racism and conservatism. West Virginia is such a good example. If I remember correctly, they always voted democratic until 2008. So many of the state’s jobs are union jobs, so voting dem makes sense. I think they switched in 2008 because of racism (see: my

Rich white people have tricked poor white people in to blaming immigrants for their economic problems instead of the rich white people who don’t pay them enough.

This is one of the strangest things I’ve seen in my hometown. Nobody’s very well off, and they bitch and moan about the democrats ruining their lives. But if they sat and thought about it for a minute, they’d realize that it’s more liberal policies that are going to help them. I’m not sure if it’s a pride thing. (“I’m

White people who are struggling financially rightly don’t feel they’re getting a sweet deal. The problem is they’re blaming the wrong people. Struggling whites and struggling minorities are in the same boat. The thing is its people like Trump who wants ever more wealth and power who are the problem. They’re turning to

That will teach those k bitches for thinking they were impenetrable. Blac Chyna just went into the cavern of doom through the front door.

To add, I should say that I don’t even know if the individuals in this case are social workers. Working as a case worker or with kids doesn’t make someone a social worker. People misuse the title constantly (and often in violation of state title protection laws) which contributes to difficulty identifying and fixing

And then when your case makes the news, you’re not allowed to give take your side public. Had one women all up and down the local paper and online because I removed her children because she “left them alone for five minutes” while she went to the store. No, I took them because you left them alone for over 2 hours and

I think part of it is that even 50 years ago, most communities were pretty small and you got extensive help from your existing social structure. We don’t have that anymore, which is good in some ways but definitely a detriment to people like Sara. And since the system isn’t really set up for that kind of community

It’s not meant as an excuse as much as an explanation. I spent enough time working abuse & neglect cases to know that court orders are informed by the pragmatic reality of what child welfare agencies can realistically provide. I’ve seen DCFS blow off providing court ordered services that weren’t covered by their

I can’t help believing that in a better world, we would have already figured out how to put the people who need employment as health aids with the people with developmental disabilities who just need someone to coach them in daily skills.

I feel bad for DCF; they are always second-guessed by everyone. “Why did you take the kids away?” “Why didn’t you take the kids away?” They can’t win. In this case while it’s possible that they and the judge made the wrong decision it definitely sounds like a close call to me. The DCF SHOULD intervene with a woman

I’m convinced that anyone who screams too loudly about “values” and their religion is hiding something very shady about themselves....Anyone want to start guessing what perversion/crime Ted Cruz is hiding?

He only enjoys it when the suffering is ex-Cruz-iating.

“I haven't made a bowel movement in 35 years."

He is deeply, profoundly creepy as fuck.

he sure does take a lot of pleasure from exe-Cruz-ting hope!

I'd ex his patriot from here to Moscow.

Bargaining phase of grief: What about just a Hot Sundae reunion? How’s that?

suddenly neku atsume got a whole lot filthier