Snacktastic Part III: the Return of the Spatula

It doesn't make sense to you because you are missing the subtext. In conservative Catholic circles, of which Santorum is a part, men and women are viewed as equal in value, but complimentary in form and function. Second wave feminists urged women to cast away their feminine roles and do all the things that men do in

It’s like on Friends when Joey learned the word “acrimonious” and didn’t know what it meant. He was still pumped to use it!

Maybe unpopular opinion (?): Marty Moss-Coane >> Terri Gross

They’re all white, they always match!

You have socks and the clean ones are in a drawer, separate from teh dirty ones, right? If so, you’re doing it right!

Pshhhh, discovery... mama Kris knows best! *barf*

Sorry to say, but unless you are using the Kondo method for your sock drawer, that feeling is accurate

Okay so I know you were talking about, you know, ‘THE NORMAL’ healthy humans BUTTTTTT...

Mom here is being a bit of an ass venting to a third party rather than writing an email to her daughter saying that she values their relationship but feels like she’s losing touch, understands Daughter is busy so would like to set up a regular time to talk so that she still feels included without interrupting busy

Yep. And Even with anonymity in mind, this prob is so common even with the details. Which is great because if good advice is given in response there are plenty of people it could help,or who might read it and feel less alone/like failures.

Also, in regards to the critiques, think its fine she wrote to a national advise column about it because its a really common problem many people might want help /advice on and That is the entire point of the advise column genre. She didnt give a name, and this is literally such a common thing it could apply to a

I agree. I was all ready to be appalled, but I didn’t think the mom’s issues were that bad. I also think that’s what’s unsaid here is the fact that the mom is just plain worried, and I can sympathize. One of my adult kids lives in a different country. She’s incredibly busy and the time zone differences make it very

You shouldn’t have to drag out any of your past abuse to make a point. I’m sorry to hear of that and I hope that you’re in a better, safer place now.

Gotcha. I can absolutely agree with that, while keeping the line open for discussing how that behavior can be damaging. As you can tell, I’m obviously more sensitive to the needs of the daughter in this situation, having watched my boyfriend go through a potentially similar experience. I appreciate your call for

Sure, it’s not a private bitching session, but it IS an anonymous advice column letter. I think an honest expression of her feelings is in line with receiving relevant and useful advice. Just about every advice column response that I see includes an parsing of which feelings are probably valid and which are not, and

The older one may very well be going to mom on her own. That happens.

18-year-olds are legally adults. I paid for my own college. The kid doesn’t have to be financially dependent and parents do not owe a college education to their children. I think the Christmas bit is going way too far. But negotiating some regular contact when you are literally footing the bill is not over the top at


Thank you. I thought this article was ridiculous and I’m glad I’m not alone. Saved me the time of writing s response.

You’re a good woman. I teach and have had parents call to arrange their college students’ class schedules. With the students in my office!