Snacktastic Part III: the Return of the Spatula

What bugs me is that home ec programs were cut in response to this bullshit. Granted, shop classes are fast-disappearing too. The practical arts are no longer in fashion- more STEM for everyone! Several times a day, every day, or the Russians will beat us in the Space Race...erm...sorry, I mean the Chinese will beat

We had a requirement to take both home ec and shop in 8th grade in the mid-90’s. It had only been switched from a girls in home ec and boys in shop requirement about 5 years earlier, though.

What even...?

youre the real winner

Rihanna is clearly stealing moves from your cat.

Both genders took both classes in my middle school, and then they were non-required electives in high school. I hated shop class, but home ec (or living arts as it was called) was all right. I was pretty handy with a sewing machine, though threading a bobbin is a bitch.

How’d you do in shop class?

No fucks given

As backward as that is, I’m kind of impressed that an administration so committed to gender-roles let you swap, provided you freed up a space in the class you wanted to move into (which is why you needed the boy to trade places.)

Oh please! A cat wouldn’t get caught in a cistern and make their friend spend a week trying to rescue it.

managed to convince the school to let me go into shop for a semester if a boy agreed to swap

I’d take Donald over Rand.

God damn I wanted to shoot my TV.

Got the same. SHE-HULK MAD!!!!!

I take up half the bed, the cat takes up half the bed, and my husband has to make do with whatever’s left.

God forbid I wake up before my husband or vice versa.

My cat does this too but it’s more “bitch, it’s daylight and you have not let me outside yet.”

As soon as our bed is clear, our boss kitty sprawls out in the middle of it and refuses to share with the other cats. I’m pretty sure she’d try it on a bed like the one in the pic, too.