Snacktastic Part III: the Return of the Spatula

I imagine that my cats are pissed when I sleep in on the weekends. Like, excuse me, you’re in our spot!

Yeah in those circles it is called being “the right sort of person”. He doesn’t have to be book-smart. Gisele didn’t marry Stephen Hawking did she? hhehehehe. :)

In general I think you’re right, but there are still some glaring morons out there. Take a look at _literally_ every single thing Scott Walker has ever said. He’s got enough low animal cunning to get elected into local politics, and enough parroting skill to get the Kochs to bankroll him into the gov’s mansion, but my

Not surprising. Most football players are Republican, plus he and Trump have a lot in common. Rich white guys with a case of affluenza and have dumped women to get a hotter significant other (to match their entitlement) and always have to get their way as if it's the law. So they're pretty much alike.

I can’t even bring myself to watch. I’m afraid I might do something truly harmful to the television.

I do understand. I wish I knew where to recommend that you might find more in-depth discussion! You may at least find somewhat deeper articles at Mother Jones and The Nation.


I completely agree with your main point here but Tom Brady’s pretty dumb. Have you ever really listened to him?

MARK MARK MARK tell them what you said instead of “I do”

Not with a bang, but a whisper!

When was the meetup? During my hiatus, I gather? Are we planning another?

As does the editor who put together the “I’m Lala” super cut.

All the love, Mark. You’re so awesome. From the bottom of my heart, congratulations and well done.

In the preview it sounded like he was addicted to pills? I really didn’t see that coming!

Caitlyn seems to lack empathy or thoughtfulness when it comes to anyone who is not herself. How dense can she possibly be? It’s 2015 and she wants everyone to rally around her, but didn’t quite “get” gay marriage?

How can you have thoughts about being a transgendered woman for 50+ years and only now be thinking about

I’m just so sick of it. God knows, and you know, I can be a real asshole. But it isn’t cute or funny. And it just makes a point seen petty rather than worthwhile.

So many more things than two can be bad!

Oh, thank goodness! I can sleep easy again! :)

OH MY GOD you can see your cat perk up when the cartoon cat is on the screen! Someone needs to do research on this.

I'm laughing so hard imaginging one of those horrid littl patchwork clowns with a teeny dog, just trudging along til he meets a friendly circus train so hi jinks can ensue.