Snacktastic Part III: the Return of the Spatula

Aww. Such a sweetie. I love her and wish to cuddle her. Is she a cuddler?

One day I will have a cute fluffy kitty to snuggle with and watch TV with. Until then I’ll live with my roommate’s short-hair tortie that I love very much but is not cuddly in the least and just meows all the time. Did I mention I still love her?


My cat just watched your cat watch that cat cartoon.

Now playing

This is a rat I had who liked this video montage of terrible video game physics.

Sorry but I think your cat smokes weed

What anime was that?

your cat is rapt!!

My cat loved Fraggle Rock. I understand.

Right? I refuse to comment on people’s looks because that’s mean. You can’t decide what your face looks like (aside from plastic surgery, obviously). But you can decide what your hair looks like, and especially if that person has made it their job to be in the public eye, I think it’s fair game. That is not a good

I just can’t with the Kardashians. I don’t understand how a show that has less than two million viewers warrants this kind of attention (feel free to attack me for being a hypocrite and talking about people I hate.) Scandal has ten million viewers...NCIS has twenty million...The Big Bang Theory 23 million...How to Get

Preach. God spoke to me and said it is my duty to carry a cup of wine pretty much everywhere I go.

Yes, that’s exactly what’s wrong with his argument.

There is not a single goddamn thing about parking meters anywhere in the Constitution. I’m with ya!

I’m just telling you what the - 500th* edition translation, not in any language original used during biblical times, modern english version, simplified international version - of the bible I read says :-) .

Thank you!

All loaves and fishes and wine should be cost-free.

Excellent comment!

What about Sunday Blue Laws on Alcohol? I’ll just make them sell it to me, if they won’t I’ll just walk out with it. Wait, that’s a Christian based law so according to Huckawhat I have no choice on that one!