Snacktastic Part III: the Return of the Spatula

Don’t follow leaders, and watch for

Damn straight. I believe - I have a sincere religious belief - that Artemis, goddess of the hunt, wants me to hunt for parking spaces without having to pay for that shit. Paying for parking tickets violates my freedom of conscience. So fuck that noise.

Move to Missouri - land of Anheuser-Busch (now slave to In-Bev.) Open containers are OK and passengers are allowed to drink, openly.

They should be grateful. Income tax is against my religion. Jesus was not into tax and neither am I. That’s what I plan on writing the IRS before hiring Davis’ legal team.

I am not going to pay my taxes, it’s not right to be taxed so much. And politicians blow it on hookers, coke and houses anyway.

I declare a new sect dedicated to the compassionate destruction of Jackasses Who Just Don’t Get It. I will call it The Vigilante Rationalist Church.

This a 100%! I’m sorely tempted to try, but I live in Canada and the crazy isn’t as prolific here, so I’d be the crazy if I did.

Wait wasn’t there something like “Render unto Icon Parking Systems the things that are Icon Parking Systems’ ”?

Right! Did Jesus need to hand over His hard-earned money to park His donkey after riding into Jerusalem?! Get it together, people! Don’t pay to park, #PrayToPark.

Im not paying taxes either. Plus I can steal my neighbors XBox One because I dont have one and stealing isnt wrong in my eyes.

The earth belongs to all of God’s people. That means we can park wherever we want to.

Pray to park!

Personally I am offended by laws preventing me from kicking Mike Huckabee in the balls. It just goes against everything I stand for. Basically I stand for kicking Mike Huckabee in the balls. Good to know he supports me.

I don’t believe in parking meters either. I’m pretty sure I can find something vaguely religious to support. Paying to park is ridiculous.

Technically you could do that. It just would probably look silly to most people

I can get fully behind that. What about those outdated laws that requires you to actually pay for stuff that you’re willing to buy. I say that’s archaic. I mean Jesus gave stuff for free in the Bible, right?

I suspect your suspicion is correct. Though Anne does seem like one of those “I’m just high on life” sorts. (I feel compelled to reiterate that I do like her)

I think I’m gonna get a job as a stripper and then get saved, and then sit back and collect that sweet sweet stripper money for doing nothing.

Then it would be “ParkerPosaholic doesn’t know anything about ______? READ A BOOK STUPID!”

Isn’t it obvious? She’s a vampire whose favourite time was the fifties.