Snacktastic Part III: the Return of the Spatula

That song is one of my favorites!

Clay Feet haunts me. For the band, Limbo is my favorite album. And I think Learn to Sing Like a Star is my favorite solo album. I saw her walking around a little neighborhood market that my wife puts on in New Orleans a few years ago. My wife saw my reaction and said, “Is that her?” knowing that’s the only famous

Kristen Hersh is a stone cold goddess.

I finally got to see Throwing Muses in NYC about 3 years ago. Kristen Hersh is my favorite songwriter and singer of all time. Damn, it’s good to meet a fellow traveler. I’m currently obsessed with Courtney Barnett.

* pours one out for NCSA Mosaic *

Everything’s fine!

The 90s really do feel like it’s was just last week, especially with the clothes coming back into style. And the fact that I still order off of Delia’s.

That had to be the actual inspiration for that storyline right?!

Same here.

His name is Chase.

I DID. I SAW ERYKAH BADU AND LIZ PHAIR BEFORE SHE SUCKED (and bunch of other people). I also bought a beaded necklace. RIP 90s.

I’m just going to leave this here *hobbles away on his walker*

You and me both. Sigh.

When I hear “90s” I always think ten years ago. But then I remember my sister was born in the 90s and she’s constantly asking me what to order when she goes to bars and I get sad.

Haha oh no I’ve known this for a long time. I’m shocked so many kids apparently don’t know this.


Phil is the only one who ever knew me at all.

I saw her in concert. I'm old.

Kristin Hersh is a goddess. :) I don’t get too outraged when kids don’t know about stuff that happened during my formative years, and I think this is mainly because my whole life I’ve encountered adults who know way less about the stuff THEY grew up with than I did, especially when it comes to music. The amount of

People/things my early 20 year old former colleagues (plural) had never heard of: Michael Keaton; that A Beautiful Mind film (shrugging, “dunno, it probably came out before I was born, tbh”), The Flintstones in addition to many other classic cartoons - and ohmygod, where is my fainting couch: George Michael. And I