Snacktastic Part III: the Return of the Spatula

There must be kind of law that when you mention the artist, the likelihood of a thread becoming a reiteration of a song’s lyrics becomes 100%

In the words of Vladimir Nabokov, “I must confess, I do not believe in time”

His hunky friend? I’m not sure. :)

Over on a thread about the new Rock Band on TAY some guy was bitching about how there wasn’t enough new rock and about how it was all old shit like Rush and the Stones that no one cared about anymore. If I had a cane I would have pushed iot through the Internet and beaten him with it while yelling at him to get off my


My mistake.

I’ve found that bringing up this point is usually met with the general statement of “Can’t they/you just get over it?” in reference to ongoing systematic discrimination of LGBT+ Americans. As if marriage equality is a fucking gift that the government gave us.

I never took typing back in the 70’s because I proudly believed—and proclaimed to all my friends signing up for ‘secretarial skills’—that none of use would ever need to type In The Future.

It’s remarkable, but not unexpected. Pretty much everyone I know has predicted this, since it’s pretty much the same pattern events as the women’s rights immediately after suffrage.

I always find it remarkable that people think because same sex marriage is legalized, we’ve achieved equality.

I automatically type 1995 everywhere because that was the year Clueless came out.

I don't think there is enough emphasis on this part. I imagine the cake is drenched until it's more brandy than cake.

“It’s supposed to be 1955.”

I think there’s a typo? I’m only counting 20 years between 1995 and now.

Rehobeth=Dogfish Head!

Seriously. Want half decaf, get a couple of shots and water it down a lot. End. Of. Story.

No, milk. No sugar. Drink coffee like it’s meant to be.

Do you think he knows Kurt Russell is his dad?

Like... why are the olsen twin girls SO much older than the twins ever were early on?

There are so many things wrong with this whole show... and I can not turn away