Snacktastic Part III: the Return of the Spatula

My initial reaction to the use of “schadenfreude” here:

Pee sitting down? Pah. A real feminist wouldn’t allow him to have a penis at all.

Jonathan Franzen is so far up his own butthole he’s about to create a singularity

Ladies, we can sign a collective agreement to stop fucking this? Kathy, that includes you.

I’m still trying to figure out how this went from zero to screaming in like one not-particularly-confrontational post. The ways of Kinja commenters are unknowable.

“ This is what equality looks like. Sorry.” This comment made it sound like you were claiming various people on Jezebel are finding this a shit show and not gleeful because the people involved are gay women.

I’m just talking about your hypocrisy statement. The fact that it’s two gay women really isn’t what’s influencing a lot of people saying this is a shit show and not taking glee from it. You find this attitude with a wide variety of marriages/relationships that crumble.

Not *all* the time though. Like in cases where children unborn/just born are involved people are usually like oh god, this is horrible all the way around. It’s a different vibe, there’s no glee like there is when it’s a scandal like someone fucked the babysitter or one of them escaped from a cult.

You and Owl.

As always, Greg, so thorough and well-written. I have been watching this whole thing go down on Twitter over the past week and look...

“Bris Penner”

Australian media has been all over the people for days, you have actually missed out some of the best bits; like how two weeks prior to the wedding that illegal replica gun was confiscated and that legal action will be taken over it, or the brides pre-makeover modelling looks;

my grandma’s still celebrating her 20th birthday. which was fun at my 25th birthday dinner.

omg ‘caste

For me, it was when I read about him bitching about the Hunger Games movies and how they were shit. I hate when people bitch about projects that gave them work, like, just shut your pie hole and show a little graciousness. All of that was made worse by the fact that his performance in those movies is totally phoned

Who knows! Girl can rest on her laurels as far as I’m concerned - being on Superman with Dean Cain AND having notable breasts on Seinfeld are enough to define a life well-lived to me!

wow, remember when desperate housewives was a thing?

Which I’m totally ok with! No one is interested in happily married people. Awkward dates make for MUCH better television.