*mic drop*
*mic drop*
“Babette”- now that is a perfect name for a broad. My grandmother also had mystery surrounding her- when she came to live with my Dad, he discovered that she had 4 different iterations of her name, and several different dates of birth on her legal papers/identification...we never knew how old she really was, but the…
The cult of Autumn is the coziest of the cults. I, too, am a member of this organization.
I bought a pumpkin cheesecake cookie on my way home tonight and I am already starting to think about my turtleneck sweaters. I am a tried and true member of the cult of autumn. Caramel coloring or no caramel coloring I am a sheep and will consume all of your fake fall goods.
I don't know who this person is but now I hate him too.
I have no idea who he is, but every time I read something about him I immediately think its about Teller of Penn and Teller and get super confused.
I do. I really do.
And we all still live in Florida so.........
“DIALOGUED”? that’s a tiny part of the shit-sundae but GROSS!
My parents live across from his parents. He was a total jackhole, with jackhole jerk-entitled friends. You should hate him. He is one-that-should-be hated. (Plus threw jerk parties with drunk idiot friends that drunk drove and killed a neighbors dog.
Someone posted on my FB the other day that, having read the Esquire article, they view him as a “cute” dick, vs a total dick-ish dick. Honestly, are we really going to create such gray areas? I also read the article and thought, yeah, total dick. But I guess I’m just not as “forgiving” as my friend. I’d like to think…
My grandfather always said you grow up to 39, and then you grow down.
It's his face. He has a punchy face. I hate him inexplicably
Watching Whiplash, I got the feeling that not only was his character written as a bit of a dick, said dickishness came WAAAY too easily to the actor playing the role. It made it uncomfortably satisfying to watch him get tortured by JK Simmons.
After watching him in Insurgent I feel the same way.
Are you ready for this?
Yes, I would love to.watch the Sean Penn movie about him, but it has Sean Penn in it :/
My mother celebrated the anniversary of her 39th birthday for years. It made my baby sister, who was born 10 days before my mom’s 40th birthday, absolutely crazy. My mother would joke about being 39, and my sister would yell, “NO, YOU’RE NOT! You’re 48 and I’m 8!”
I had this weird sense watching him that I really disliked him for what I felt like was no reason. I just didn’t like the guy.
The most depressing thing about the Hirsch sentence? I feel like we should just be grateful he got any jail time at all. Wealthy white men who attack/abuse/attempt to murder women so often get probation and MAYBE community service, if the judge thinks the crime was particularly egregious.