Snacktastic Part III: the Return of the Spatula

By the end of its run in 2000, Peanuts was an institution. It had become an omnipresent part of American culture,

You’re not alone.

I can tell

I get that feeling too, and have absolutely no justification for it.

I hope she has a fantastic time! She sounds like an amazing young woman.

Have you been to Hawaii? Everything there pretty much comes with mac salad. It’s glorious.

I don’t mean to brag, but I made a bomb-ass pasta salad for dinner last week. The secret ingredient is a shit-ton of Kraft Italian dressing.

My limey brain got confused and I was like ‘How can someone not think chips are delicious?’ And then I remembered that you call crisps chips and I was like ‘Wait, how can someone not think crisps are delicious?’ Basically potato. All potato is good potato. Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew.

Maybe it’s an unpopular opinion, but I’m not a fan of the cold mayo macaroni salads.


“Faparazzi”: a star-chasing jerk off.

It’s one of those brilliant pieces where I’m so glad it was made when it was because it could never get made now.

In the same manner that a baby troll might appeal.

I was also 9 when it came out. It’s one of my favorite movies ever (as you can see by my name/avatar).

I would rather not.

Does it count as misandry if he’s a sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot?

Yeah, my thought at that tweet was that you could insert anything about him before the “who cares!?”.

Didn’t she once say she’d rather feed her kids to racoons (or words to that effect) than let them eat junk food? Old Navy, more or less evil?

Last year, I saw Adrian Grenier on the customs line at JFK. I don’t see celebrities often* so I got excited and texted everyone I know. No one cared. One friend texted back “Ugh he isn’t a real celebrity, he just plays one on TV.” It was kind of heartbreaking.