That’s a really interesting read thank you and really sums up a lot of what bothers me about these sorts of cases.
That’s a really interesting read thank you and really sums up a lot of what bothers me about these sorts of cases.
I worked with juvenile hall kids a few years ago. I hadn’t been around kids that age pretty much since I was one, and it really did teach me. At that age I was doing all kinds of things and thought I was pretty much an adult, but kids that age are kids. The nature of their crime should tell you they are very confused…
I am so glad that this is the first comment.
I have to agree with that after having worked with that age group. Some of those kids impressed me with their thinking but at the end of their day they're still growing. They're not adults and they don't think like adults.
I was sorta thinking the same thing.
Yeah, it’s a heinous crime...but...
These two are kids. The judge didn’t say “after testing and examination, i’ve found these two, despite their young physical age, are acting, thinking, and as mature as any adult, therefore, trial as adults”. The judge said “bigger punishment…
EXACTLY. There’s a reason we don’t say that 13 year olds can consent to sex with adults.
They’ve either never interacted with 13-year-olds, or with adults
The first being the ‘girls attempting to manipulate public emotion part,’
never fucking trust a 19 year old girl who still listens to fall out boy
I heard this from Dr. Drew while flipping channels, so take it with a grain of salt if you wish, but I remember him saying that when you get off opiates, you often start to shoplift. He says he sees it a lot with his patients. I guess the shoplifting gives them the endorphin rush that they’re missing.
There has always been someone at the executive level at TV and Film studios pontificating about what “audiences are ready for.” They’re always wrong.
Just a quick note: Hollywood’s audience is not domestic anymore (if we’re talking about blockbusters). A lot of movies tank in the US but make their money back overseas. It’s why Transformer Age of Extinction was partially set in China, Why Iron Man 3 has an alternate ending, and why there’s talk of a Pacific Rim…
Of course, darlin. And your screen name is my favorite. I'm a lady who loves the pancakes.
So basically, white male films earn large amounts of money because that’s where the large budgets are allocated. But they don’t earn a higher profit, relative to their budget.
I think 538 tested this and you’re right. It’s based on the bechdel test, but— there’s no difference in profits, and ROI is better for movies that pass the test. Wait... Re-googling in process... It looks like a real researcher (non-journalist) even followed up.
The brownstone was campus housing but the apartments weren’t. I was coming from Florida so the prices were mind blowing to me. I thought about moving back a few years after graduating, maybe in 1991 or so and I was looking at a 1 bedroom over Armani Exchange on Newbury. I think it was about $2200. I think Cleveland…
I agree with you. Hell I wish they made the new Spiderman black and do a Miles Morales storyline instead of rebooting the character. I think the fans would be OK with it. But movie executives seem to think otherwise.
It was so great. I did miss out a little socially by not being in a freshman dorm but it was so worth it. The view was amazing. I moved from there to St. Mary’s in Brookline. And then to a studio above an Eastern Mountain Sports on Comm. Ave (Allston/Brighton). I was downwardly mobile. My friends were all in the…
The exhibit must have been great. I went to BU from 1982-1987 (why finish in 4 years what you can do in 5?). My freshman year I was in a brown stone on Bay State Rd. It had three window arches facing the Charles. We made a collage from floor to ceiling, framing the window, with tear outs. My vanity now is also a…