Snacktastic Part III: the Return of the Spatula

Shoes are momentarily satisfying, no denying that. Doesn’t compare to the joy of discovering a great movie though. I love Brenda Blethyn. The only human being whose “whiny-ish” voice doesn’t bother me. 90’s fashion photography was so great. Annie Leibowitz and Helmut Newton. Nan Goldin and Juergen Teller. I’m

The fundamental problem with this movie isn’t the casting of a cis actor to play a trans person. It’s this obsession with transition narratives and *THE CHANGE* that cis society has. People don’t really want to see trans people being their authentic selves: they want to see the trans version of blackface.

I suppose it’s progress that the LGBTQ community is finally getting mainstream movies that are just as generic, maudlin and hokey as the movies they make for everyone else. Personally, I prefer my queer movies a bit more, well, queer. But I guess this and Stonewall could be considered eye-opening and educational for

The reason there’s no evidence is, there has been no trial or investigation. Men make the majority of movies. They make most of them about white men. They say that’s the most popular... because that’s what most of the movies are and who they’re made by. It’s circular logic, and it’s ridiculous. Basically, I’m agreeing

Ok. That’s fair. Im serious. Hopefully they keep doing studies on why this is and in a perfect world we’ll eventually have a more even market. In the mean time I’ll continue rich getting investing in what works.

Unless he and his friends never moved on from their teenage mindset I can’t imagine that they’re setting him up. That’s some demented shit, holding a grudge for 20 years and pulling off some sophomoric prank for revenge.

Look, sometimes sheep crave french fries too. Who are we to judge? We’ve all been there.

Ah! My home county make international news and for something that literally made me ¯\_(ツ)_/ when I heard it.

I love you, for reals.

...and here’s how they met.

Thanks, lovely!

Until I read that Roland Emmerich directed Stonewall, I didn’t understand why it ended the way it did.

Yep yep. It’s like I always say, when people talk about “doing the jobs others won’t do” they conveniently leave off the “for less” part.

You can’t really blame her. White people have been saying immigrants “do the jobs no one wants to do” for forever. And we have deemed cleaning bathrooms as “demeaning” so of course you give it to “those people”. All the while conveniently forgetting that there is a reason immigrants are hired to do these things and it

I can’t understand a word of it, but Mandarin is such a beautiful-sounding language.

We should have it in a country where the police execute ethnic minorities with relative impunity! No? We should hold it in the nation that imprisons the most people, both in absolute numbers as well as by rate? No. Should we hold it in a country where the political system is so far in bed with the industries it should

We’ll retake at least the Senate next year because Republicans have twice as many seats up as the Democrats do, and a fair amount of those GOP seats are actually in blue States. If for some reason the Dems don’t retake the Senate, with that kind of insane numerical advantage, and also keep the White House, because of

Part of what makes the Northeast superior is our indifference, to both the overweening and misplaced locational pride that other localities insist foisting upon the rest of the population as well as the fact that there are other localities altogether. C’mon, you’re not “doing New England Yankee” right! Just nod and

Holy crap they pay people AU$4 an hour?! Even after raising it to US$10.10 that’s about... *furious mental calculations* About AU$14. Which is roughly minimum wage here for a 15 year old. I mean, some places can push to pay less but legally they’re being dodgy as fuck. Holy shit what is wrong with your country?!?! I

Now playing

But it’s still not the OG Portland. Portland, ME was named after the Isle of Portland on the south coast of England. Portland on the south coast of England is famous for a few things: a quarry which gives us Portland stone and Portland cement, a prison, a lighthouse, and a kid’s TV show about the lighthouse.