Snacktastic Part III: the Return of the Spatula

OTH when they break up my daydreams become (very slightly) less far-fetched.

Ball = round. Football != round.

Was thinking the same thing. Just a waiting game...

Cabbage = smelly farts.

I like green tea with milk and sugar :D

Same. One cup coffee per day and one cup tea per day.

I remember as a kid in the 80s when NutraSweet first came out... My mom was firmly against it. She always said “We know what sugar does to us... we don’t know what this will do”

Is it free from dihydrogen monoxide? The threat is real y’all. EVERYBODY who consumes it dies.

This is a direct quote from the 15 year old: “How come — I thought there was like rules when — rules for like not, you know, not hitting someone, why am I going to the —” That is the sound of a kid who believed in justice realizing that you’re not gonna get it in Family Court. This is so awful, I’m in tears at my desk.

We seriously need to set a date.


I know, way to go Judge! You really helped this family!

Even the threat along (without following through) would be enough to get her disbarred, right?

This is over your dad’s objection. I want this to be heard. Obviously, it’s over your mother’s objection. Your dad — I wanted to do this because of your horrific behaviour a long time ago and your dad begged me not to. He begged me not to. So it was only because of your dad — I would have switched custody and they

The judge actually says, “I ordered you to have a healthy relationship with your father.” Whaaaaa....?

Not to mention telling the kid “well your father was never charged with anything, so tough luck, you must be lying about the abuse” is INSANE. In family domestic cases reports of abuse and assault can go unreported for years out of fear of the abusers (or even to protect them in some cases) To use the fact that he was

I’m a family law attorney, and my office has been up in arms about this all week.

...and of course there’s that whole “professional” class of employees who don’t get paid for their extra time, even when they DO work all those extra hours! I guess he means that us "professionals" should just go get second jobs to earn the extra $'s so we don't have to live on the dole any more. Wonder how much his

I would happily pay for that 2197303971074092735902370x over instead of corporate bail outs for banks and wall street, if that matters to anyone in the US Govt

In order to treat victims like perpetrators, we have to think of victims as perpetrators, and that requires us to falsely attribute agency to powerless people with implicating language.