Snacktastic Part III: the Return of the Spatula

People tend to only think about low skill jobs when this comes up, but it’s all over. My mom has been a nurse for forty years. She worked at the same urgent care place for thirty, and while the place changed hands a couple times, she always worked for someone who worked there.

These assholes think the rules of capitalism applies to everything except for the labor of the not rich.

yes! And that bullshit about, “oh, I think people would rather work 40 hrs than 30.” Yeah, probably a lot of people would, but the reason they are not is not because of them - it’s their employers working the system and getting the most of their employees for as little as absolutely possible. And the thing that sucks

I hear some of the workers have REFRIGERATORS. Greedy fucks.

Hey it was poor people who crashed the stock market remember?

Right... In Wisconsin they just snuck in a vote to get rid of the living wage. Along with mandatory day off (1 in 7).

This is typical GOP narrative. When Romney got caught making the 47% remark and all the Joe Sixpacks came out of the woodwork to say “I work three jobs and I don’t take handouts, etc” as a point of pride, rather than questioning why they weren’t paid a living wage so they didn’t HAVE to work three jobs to make ends

Classic leech behavior! Mooching off their employers for “wages” so they can support their lifestyles. They become totally dependent on their paychecks. Makes ‘em lazy. If you ask me, entitlement is out of control in this country—people expecting compensation for their work instead of just appreciating the opportunity

This face is only entertaining when Joe Biden does it.

And who is it up to to actually grant the “longer hours,” anyway? It’s NEVER up to the front line employees how many hours they get!

Pay people enough to comfortably afford their own rent and food? Are you out of your mind?

I don’t for one second believe that he doesn’t think he did anything wrong. I think he doesn’t give a fuck, but I think he knows it was wrong. He just thought he was above getting caught.

That is the center. That is the key. The transatlantic slave trade. That is the original sin, the basis of it all, that America must come to grips with in order to combat racism. Once America comes to terms with the slave trade, some sort of resolution of racism can begin.

I always have colors as deep as “blue black,” but my clients are all very diverse. I’ve known artists who only worked in the rich, white neighborhoods who could not for the life of them do ethnic makeup. Flipside: it’s expensive to buy new product, but it’s totally possible to keep a small kit together that works for

I am a makeup artist and though I generally know the model’s general complexion before I arrive, I am prepared to mix and mingle colors until I get the perfect match. I can go from light to deep easily because I have the right colors for a beautiful diversity of women even if I have to buy something special just for

Good for her. It’s nothing short of unprofessional for makeup artists to not be prepared for her.

So, uh, what’s the point of attempting to engage with the person who made this clothing line as though it were some sort of oversight not to make her clothes in the most widely worn sizes?

Pfft. Call me when you got a pigeon on rollers skates.