Snacktastic Part III: the Return of the Spatula

Gawker/Jezebel is the is the fucking Global Emperor of Cognitive Dissonance!

something something feminism blah blah you’re wrong something something you don’t know what you’re talking about something something I read this on Mary Sue blah blah you’re wrong

Fucking co-sign.

Ah, Rape Gif-A-Palooza

I have had more nuanced feminist interactions on Reddit than on Jez in the last 6 months.

Nah. Her movie was OK though.

I don’t know if he is a full Maine coon because he was a rescue but he has the features and attitude of a Maine coon. Oh and his name is Stanley. I think it suits him haha

It's all in the eyes

“To sway the nuns, the archbishop arranged their meeting with Perry. The singer dressed conservatively, brought her mum, showed a Jesus tattoo, sang and expressed her desire to start each day by visiting the estate’s meditation garden. ‘You know… to find herself,’ said Sister Rita.” Nuns remain unimpressed by Katy

Mine is too

As an Australian, and the daughter of a two-time cancer survivor, I hate this bitch. I hate this bitch with everything I have in me. I wish people would stop giving her airplay because even seeing her or hearing her bullshit, I cant handle any of it. I had to stop watching this interview when she gets to the part

A beauty with major attitute. As it should be.

My cat is haughtier.

Your cat is a boss. I love cats that own it. They don’t need our time but we need theirs.

“Hansel. So hot right now. Hansel.”


I’m having a crappy time and this helped a little bit. Thank you.

Starred for Tallulah. Damn!

Fun Fact: Sonia was in the original cast of Godspell. If you’ve ever picked up a script you’ve seen “Sonia” listed as one of the characters...that’s her.