Snacktastic Part III: the Return of the Spatula

So many hugs to you.

Thank you, Snack. It’s important for people to know.

I love you ❤️

Dude. I’m going to e-hug you once now and ask you to bookmark this in case you need post-trigger hugs later. This can’t be easy on your notifications. Lemme know if you need a rational human for a few.

I have nothing to add besides I love you name! It makes me happy, which is hard to do right now because a good half of my family is supporting this disgusting molester and his shitty parents. I have no animosity towards the girls or younger boys and I hope they get help.

So sorry that happened to you, and I hope you don’t go back down a rabbit hole because of this and avoid info overload. Just wishing you health!

Jessa Duggar’s father-in-law goes on to say that fans shouldn’t be shocked by Josh’s actions — he claims that many people would do the same thing if they didn’t fear the consequences of their behavior

I was wondering what Snacktastic has been up to in all of this.

Now playing

:( She’s wonderful. Not only funny, but she was heartbreaking on Sex and the City. I feel like I took her for granted because you’d see her everywhere, but she was never the star, she just did her job and she was perfect.

Poor kitty. :(

“It was an enormous, enormous triumph,” Steinem told ABC “We feel very celebratory and positive that we have created a voyage across the DMZ in peace and reconciliation that was said to be impossible.”

You don’t want to know what it reminded me of.

I don’t understand. They can’t have it both ways. Either toy guns do promote violence (and making our boys manly men) and encourage gun use, or they don’t (therefore should be allowed in school). You can’t keep switching back and forth, conservatives,.

You would think a dude like him, who wants to ban all the members of a religion from joining the military and immigrating to the country, would be reeeeaaalllll cautious about throwing around Hitler comparisons.

So, how did boys ever grow into macho manly men before water guns were invented? I guess our great-great grandfathers were all hopeless pansies.

She should note, among other things, that one of the major skills of an operative is knowing how to keep their head down. Having to use water pistols clandestinely is going to improve that skill set if anything.

Ahhhhh ha ha ha ha! Would a “water balloon size = dick size” joke be in terrible taste since we’re talking about kids here?

I would think that the number of people who’d be likely to tweet #bitchimmaadonna would be pretty low!