Snacktastic Part III: the Return of the Spatula

She also had a great interview with Marc Maron on his podcast discussing her harem days.

If you ever have a chance you should listen to the Hound Tall Podcast with Moshe Kasher where Jillian discusses her Harem experience.

No, it does not. I’m not down with that “I’ll pay in exposure” bullshit that capitalism has managed to venerate. Absolutely fucking not. This is why I don’t fux with unpaid internships, especially since it’s become clear how much they don’t fucking count. I would never advise anyone to agree to such bullshit. Pay

I was going to drop some hot takes about Jay Z but instead something I created earlier:

I’m 7 mos preggo, so I feel like Tweedle Dee in all of my “respectable” office wear. I will wear a statement necklace tomorrow and see if it brings with it a renewed sense of dignity. Could go either way. Wish me luck. Three hours of meetings, so this is the trial by fire :)

I say yea! See my comment above re: Diane Lockhart and her statement necklaces.

But I disagree that her gender is “ultimately the most important thing” guiding this conversation in particular.


She ruined Pittsburgh. That’s impressive.

Making matters worse, sources within Iggy’s camp say that she refuses to put fries on her sandwiches, calling the practice “gross and revolting.”

I hope none of you complaining about Iggy’s face were also complaining about the maxi dress thing. Iggy’s crimes do not include the face she was born with or the face she may have purchased.

reached out to several community leaders about facilitating a discussion

I’ve read that we will probably NEVER have an American pope, not because of the Catholic Church’s declining influence in the US but because of concerns that Catholics in the global south(where the Catholic population is more devout and increasing) will view the Catholic Church as less sympathetic to their interests

Sometimes my cat screams with such demand that a little shit comes out.

Cat meowing? One long unending cry of, “WHHHHHHYYYYYY????”

I don’t know who you are, I don’t know what you are, but I love you.

And maybe I need some sleep as my cat has similar stress.

given how hard it is for Italian Americans who don’t look stereotypically white to get work, I kind of wish this part went to an Italian American

I vaguely remember that episode, but I think it was the product was geared towards women. What bugged me about it was that Lori uses “I just don’t use the product” as a reason for not investing ALL THE TIME. The men in that episode said “you seem smart, it seems like a good idea, I just don’t know how I could help

Cats really do take on a whole different tone in the middle of the night, don’t they? My kitty is a high-pitched fast-paced meower during the day, but at night he sometimes wakes me up with these insane-sounding howls of sadness. Like, he’ll literally be sitting in the floor in the dark yowling. I’ll turn on the light

MrsPye’s cat wakes me up because she’s bored and I’m a lighter sleeper than MrsPye. (MrsPye has also woken me up because she was bored, so I assume that’s why they get along so well.)