Snack Carrotuac

Finally! Tom won a SuperBowl on his own merit. He’s finally catching up to Flacco in the “Elite” standings.

Betsy with the Mom Hair.

As the name Steve Bannon was said, a whiskey-scented cloud wafted through the room and from the cloud the sound of hacking could be heard.

Pat Toomey is a giant dick fart of a human being. A lot of people tried calling him to vote against Devos only to be met with busy signals and full inboxes etc. Dude, your job is to listen to everyone you represent or at least act like you’re trying. You are fully aware of what is going on. Make yourself available.

A view from Kentucky last night.

Does Bill name each of his bow ties? You’re god damn right he does.

Infucknity maybe?

1. The Brown Note

Is angry wall punching becoming the new craze? If so they should probably give some credit to my Dad.


What’s Arrival about?

I imagine everyone in the room assumed this fighting stance immediately.

I hate Illinois Nazis

Remember, we learn a lot from reading back on our history and literature. Cautionary tales, examples of past mistakes, allegories Trump does not know how to read.

The Church of God the Utterly Indifferent would like to have a word with Mrs. White

Atlanta just collectively asked to see the manager and sent their soup back to the kitchen.

Aaron Rodgers saw a UFO. So I’m 100% on his side.

Even when I was a young boy, all I could think about was training. My mom would put a little conductor hat on me and I would walk around my neighborhood “Choo-chooing” until the sun went down. One day, I was training a few blocks away from my home when a couple of the 8th graders came upon me chugging my arms along.

We sure is wasn’t Tike?