Happy Labor day weekend ya’ll.
Happy Labor day weekend ya’ll.
As always, Primantis fucking sucks.
Every time he’s asked to spell his name he has flashbacks to people mocking him.
It is, in fact, his name-oh
Post Animal released their album on Friday and it is very good.
Rusty Hardin is a hell of a name.
To you it’s just scotch tape, and a heightened sense of cowardly pride.
I would deliver leftovers to my grandpa and his second wife. My sister and cousin came this time. I knocked on the apartment door and my 6'4 very fat grandpa open until the chain lock stopped it and peered out. “Are you alone?” he asks like a paranoid conspiracy theorist. “No. why does it matter?” He gives a huge…
Sleeping is a waste of time and beds are a waste of space. Grow up. Do coke and stay up all night like a fucking adult.
Maybe BNL has 2 Billboard Awards to your zero.
They just released some new singles. None that really caught my ear except this one because it’s super poppy.
Jesus he always had so much fun on stage. I love watching videos of him. Also I’m getting a pair of purple pants. I won’t feel like a real guitar player until then.
Same. So the other day a local record store posted that they had a bunch of the 3 kings albums in. A few from each one. And I got real excited to see that My Feeling For The Blues was one of them. I scrambled there only to realize that it was a CD not a vinyl. The posted picture was a closeup of the CD booklet and it…
Blues god. Best served with a snow storm outside.
Pete Doherty looks like Sloth from the goonies.
Yeah I read the book a couple months ago and thought that, aside from gender, there was no character description at all. I don’t remember that line being in there.
It took my dumb brain 20 times to read the headlines and not see “Interior Department Decorators”
Star of the movie Holes, Rick Fox.
Legend has it he caught a large mouth bass by pure salesman skill alone.
Jim Doesn’t get out of bed for less than one ring of bologna and a 2-year subscription to Fly Fisherman Quarterly.