
We didn’t deserve this man. I hope his next step in life is spent stress free and involves lots of fru fru drinks with little paper umbrellas.

Like his predecessors, Obama left something behind in the White House: a framed original of his birth certificate.

Thanks, Obama.

Fuck that paparazzi asshole.

Public Relations. Too easy.

So does Melania. I think her glow is highlighters though.

I’m black and I have no clue who she is or why she expected anyone to read that cyan on white note of hers.

They better get cash up front.

It’s not like he’s going to actually pay her. How many times can people keep crawling back to this sadistic leech thinking it’s going to be different with them???

Seriously. If you’re doing something because you want to do it and believe in it, own it. Live it. Be proud of it.

“the deal was reached a week ago, but has been kept ‘a big secret’ because Michele’s camp feared the seven days of criticism that would surely lead up the divisive President-elect’s big day.”

Rumor is Trump’s camp has been offering $1 mil to anyone willing to play. Seems like a lot of words to say “I wanted the money.”

This is goals? It’s an homage to silly putty.

Caitlyn Jenner has always been an entitled conservative asshole. Even on her show she ignored her friend’s experiences and went out of her way to kiss republicans’ asses.

Appearances are often deceiving but Aaron Rogers does seem like a good, shy dude . So it makes sense that he’d take comfortable domesticity with his significant other over a batshit crazy family drama.

The real answer, I’d guess, is that she’s going to support her daughter who more or less HAS to go. If I were 22 and had to go to a huge event for my shitty dad, I’d want my mom to come with me too — in that situation she’d best get all the weird and stressful dynamics.

Well, sounds like they’re not rich anymore!

HOLY SHIT! Please let that be the disaster I dream it will be!

This is going to be a fantastically sad inauguration celebration, and that gives me immense pleasure.