
The networks are seeming to have a hard time recalling this about him.  Lot’s about his scoring 80 points, his retirement, but NOTHING about his history regarding his payoff (not only to his victim but to his wife).  

The first thing I thought of was when he raped that woman in Colorado. She was not able to push forward with her testimony because of all of the threats against her.  Nobody cared about her welfare, only that of their sports idol.

Have fun in hell rapist. 

Horrible for his kids, but I find it very hard to summon sympathy for this rapist son-of-a-bitch


Don’t forget the other option, that he’s not dead at all, and paid to have a body double take his place, and is now living abroad with the help of all his rich pedo friends, and will be back at his pedo ways in no time. 

Does anyone actually believe that he killed himself? He had information that could have destroyed so many power men's lives. To me, it isn't a question of whether or not he was murdered, but who bribed a guard first. Hell, his killer might have gotten paid by more than one person without them knowing he got paid more

Bye, bitch.

Forever 21 is a trash store.

Truly a last ditch effort gone wrong. Forever 21 is unlikely to make it until Christmas.

I’m reminded of a story in the book ‘Devil in the White City’, about notorious serial killer H.H. Holmes. He used to go hang out with the workers building his infamous murder hotel, and he’d casually joke about how funny it would be to drop a brick on the head of one of the men below ‘by accident’. And if the person

J Crew isn’t affordable or accessible for a lot of people.

Do both and you can be President.

Anna’s biggest mistake was that she bilked rich people instead of poor ones. If she’d bilked poor folks, she’d be the toast of Wall Street right now. 

sex-trafficking establishment

Just as a point of order: the evidence for the "sex trafficking" at the Florida joint is extremely thin.

It’s probably an all-time, world-class grift. Get video of the wealthiest and most powerful men in the world - those who’d genuinely have a lot to lose if exposed - then DON’T directly blackmail them. Instead, charm them; pressure them to invest substantially with your fund; offer further sexual exploits to fuel the

You sound like you want to Marie Kondo your reproductive parts! (I’m loving it!)

My father died 6 years ago of a cancer that only guys who do what he did for a living die of. He was in his 80s. I still miss hum.

She’ll do 15 more years in prison than Brock Turner the rapist did.

It’s the same thing Elizabeth Holmes did with Theranos.