
What can I say? I can’t resist a golden opportunity.

Anyone else find themselves constantly doing that thing where you start a rant, decide you need to stop because you’re going to make yourself sick/have a rage stroke, and then 10 seconds later start up again because you just can’t stop?

I hope it all comes out and destroys him. He can’t hide this shit like old dictators of yore.

It’s so appropriate that the de facto leader of the so-called “anti-PC movement” is someone who absolutely cannot take a fucking joke.

The biggest clown of all will be taking the oath of office on Friday.

My four year old spent 20 minutes peeling paper wrappers off crayons yesterday.

“Try getting a 3- or 4-year-old today to sit for 12 minutes...”

Totally. And we’re talking about it, which is good.

Go Katy perry for seeming like a real decent human being.

Can we just take a moment to applaud the Washington Post?. I know journalism is largely dead but God damn does that newspaper hit the stories, latch on and never give up. David Fahrenthold should just be handed a trillion Pulitzer Prizes.

And if white people bindis are an issue, please don’t tell her about No Doubt.

What I hate the most here is the rhetoric- describing it like it’s a novel or screenplay, something almost romantic. “As the sun sets..” that’s fucked up.

National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

The video ... ends with the girl hanging from the tree for around 20 minutes as the sun sets, while a woman off-camera can be heard calling her name.

Between this and Joe Biden’s Medal of Freedom, I did a lot of surreptitious crying at my desk today.

That part of you is right. We are all cynics now. 2016 took our innocence and drained our faith in humanity.

Ironically, he tried to shame Clinton just for peeing - not even on someone!

I mean, would it really be that much worse than what we knew before the election? Are golden showers worse then bragging about sexual assault on rape? At this point, I don’t think there’s much of anything that would turn off his fans. They probably think hiring hookers to piss on a bed Obama once slept in sounds

Because emails/Benghazi/”working class”/Establishment/Shillary/Both Sides Do It.