
Don’t even try to pull that sort of nonsensical bullshit as if there’s anything remotely similar in weight of a black person calling another black person the n-word (with an entirely different pronunciation and spelling [which actually matters!]) compared to a white person who says it.

Listen, I’m not saying you’re a racist, because you probably aren’t. However, as a white guy with rage problems and a big mouth, I have never ONCE said or thought the n-word when angry. I realize this is all anecdotal, but I just wanted to put my two cents in there to stand up for us angry white guys who absolutely do

You’re an obtuse moron who clearly wallows in self hate so much that you have to rationalize your bullshit in order to distract yourself from the fact that you’re compensating for something else.

You have several options for other curse words to use, but you choose the N-word. That really says something about your character. One of these days, you’re gonna slip with the N-word in public while surrounded by minorities.

Anyone who casually says “go take your sandy vag” simply CANNOT be a sleazy dude. You don’t come off that way AT ALL with your casual racism and willful ignorance against the history of a word.

Aaron Carter looks like he’s done all the drugs. 😬

In fairness, Anno can do things other than that. A more likely scenario would be that the commercial would be beautifully shot... up until the last parts where he’d run out of money and replace the shots of the car with a Matchbox car and and still photos.

Lets be fair; Honda doesn’t have 10 years to wait for Anno to do a commercial about the 2018 Honda series.

Front tags are stupid.

Front plates are an abomination

YAAASSSSSS I need more Machu Picchu, Sheila, and Britannica in my life. And Bash. And everyone else. I loved GLOW.

Julianne is either continuously trolling us or she needs her recap card revoked, besause every GOT recap usually has at minimum 100 words dedicated to an obviously false plot point. Maybe instead of researching the melting point of gold, she could rewatch the episode and listen to the dialogue?

the Iron Bank guy would not commit their support of Cersei’s war until their repayment made it to the Iron Bank, which as we know from the epic end scene, it did NOT.

It’s not your problem personally, so it is nobody’s problem. Typical southerner attitude.

I think he’s saying it looks very dated, and I agree. They were going for Swedish minimalism and just made it look cheap.

Hope he has gap insurance.

Just saw it last night and I absolutely loved it. Best part though is the Porsche.

Yeah I’m no Bieber fan but I don’t think this incident was his fault. Like, if you’re a paparazzo and you’re tailing a celebrity who gets into a car and you’re right behind the car to get a shot as the car is pulling away along with a bunch of other photographers, it’s on you if you get run the fuck over.

Unless you have an allergy or health condition that prevents you from using fluoride, don’t use fluoride-free toothpaste. Love your teeth people and let them love you back.