
I can handle the DS hate, but telling me that a HamNo article is worth reading?

I came for the gratuitous bunny sex, I stayed for the next-gen tree sway.

Seriously, this game looks awesome.

So many games coming out with advanced fish physics. Ahh, what a great time to be a gamer.

We named our cat Pain Elemental.

Of course they all crashed ! They're driving on the wrong side of the road !!!

And here, in the English countryside, we see a rare and magnificent sight. The mass mating of the British hatchbacks. Hatchbacks from old to new gather once every couple of years under the fog to mate. They search for their partners in the fog and then proceed to force their way towards them, a risky but worthy

Still better than an elephant in the throes of menstruation.

It'll have a 20% on Rotten Tomatoes and make $2 billion dollars. Le sigh.

The artstyle / character design kind of reminds me of Redline which isn't a bad thing at all.

Like, no

Oh look, a reasonable, adult response to an unfortunate situation. How refreshing. Maybe this will catch on. I won't hold my breath.

The lack of unnecessary character development is a really good thing to note! I was really happy about how it's suggested that Dredd has some hidden depths, but the fact that there's not a FUCKING BOATLOAD of that shit is the necessary other side of that coin. The script was very well and aggressively edited methinks.

I really loved this movie, for the simple fact that it didn't try to be anything other than what it was. Very little needless story or character development, as the action dictated everything. The visuals were extremely well done, especially considering the relatively modest budget they had. The music was fantastic,

I put off seeing Dredd for a long time. You might be in the same boat. Maybe you've heard vaguely good things about


I think the kid thought his hand injury was they were chopped off.

why is it every time i see this picture i have to remind myself that this guy is kneeling and doesn't have dwarfism?

I was going to say, that'd probably make me toss my gatorade. Especially if you'd had a belly full of just liquid from rehydrating.

I am shocked, SHOCKED I TELL YOU, that people living in less densely populated areas have less direct access to stuff.