
I’m just glad Univision bought you jokers.

Producing covers is a hell of a lot easier than producing original songs.

I’m still waiting on my darn Patlabors! Get on the ball, Japan!

Looks like a giant mechanical walker crawling out of the sea onto land. Surreal!

Here’s an idea: Municipal garbage dump. Or biohazardous human waste storage area.

Brutal! And to a degree, expected, since olympians are pushing their bodies to their absolute limits.

The really mind-boggling thing is that NASA engineers have found a way to harness and (for the most part) control the fiery, billowing madness exploding out of the rocket nozzle. Seeing it slowed down and in HDR just enhances how crazy the forces involved are.

“Disney’s live-action remake of The Jungle Book was a surprise hit, and it deserved its success.”

What if my dream car is an ‘81 Yugo with a 400 hp big block V8 dropped inside?

This post is in serious need of some citations. Not saying that forensics are dead accurate all the time, but you seem to be painting them with an awfully broad brush.

Even my dry, shriveled, cynical husk of a heart grew 3 sizes today because of this article.

FUCK YES. Those things are still so damn good.

Donald would sell the shit out of it, but Hill is a close 2nd. They’re both so good at being twisted salespeople for their personal #Brands that it would be a close competition.

How cute, a religious leader who wants someone else to change because they got “offended".


Here’s the thing about the Grand Canyon: it’s a big fucking hole.

Remember, if you think you made a woman come, you’re probably a RAPEY RAPIST.

Geh... how appetizing.

Left hand, right hand.