
Oh, I get it. Kirsten Dunst’s character grew up to be the Rock. Shouldn’t we all?

People seem to kind of skip over the fact that the Jumanji game was passed around a bit. The movie begins with the game being buried, and ends with it being found by other people. There are plenty of stories to tell there.

For the record we are NOT making a reboot, but rather a continuation of the awesome Jumanji story.

It just seems a bit odd to have this idea that someone couldn’t be both a geek and gun owner. I’ve ran into plenty of people who were both sci fi geeks and gun geeks. So someone being able to answer questions about safety with real guns to geeks looking to potentially buy a real gun doesn’t seem like such a horrible

Hey, when you waste all your mana healing your dumb ass teammates, you gotta have some kind of backup.

I believe I’ve heard before that it’s easy for people to fear what they don’t understand, which is why we like to include diversity in schools, places of employment, etc. Exposing people to new ideas to reduce their fear and ignorance is the goal.

There’s so much inaccurate information floating around out there that I’d actually support mandatory gun safety classes for all firearms owners. Really, there’s nothing to fear from a society that owns a lot of guns if their owners know how to use them. Now, a society with a lot of guns and people who couldn’t pass a

How is promoting “gun and safety classes” cause for alarm? Hollywood mythologizes guns to the point where many onscreen depictions are inaccurate. If someone picks up a gun, thinking it works the way it does in movies, someone is going to get hurt. It might be them, it might be someone else, but someone will be

Simple. Don't use facebook

F&F? Clark did it first.

I’m of Indian descent (descending from *ahem* actual India), a self-proclaimed otaku and fan of cosplay. As such, I have contemplated the disparity between my skin color and common character shapes, sizes, colors, etc.

If you’re living in a hydrocarbon rich, high speed expendable world, then you are absolutely correct.

Airships are very impractical but far from pointless. I dare you to try come up with a more efficient per ton/mile, zero infrastructure, site to site transport system. I can't argue the helium part, but I can run the numbers on an equivalent steam powered system if you need it.

Didn’t know this was such a classy and mature site...


Jason, listen, I just had a talk with Bigfoot. He told me he works extensively on some next level solar panel stuff at Karma. He says the car can only really run forever in the southwest. East coast, 5 minutes on a sunny day, ten minutes on a cloudy day for a full recharge.

If you’re hovering in the hot zone, you deserve to get shot down.

Seems like he was in denial.