

Having lived there for 10 years as a kid, I can say without the slightest hesitation: just take ol’ sparky for a lightning ride.

Caption on photo: “FFFFFFUUUUUUUUU!"

Someone needs to make an “OBEY” icon with Wun-wun’s face on it. Make it happen, internet!

That was the most epically brutal TV I’ve ever seen.

Oh wow, it’s like the automotive equivalent of a half-dead opossum.

Quick! Someone make a VR “therapy”game out of this and make Fahey play it, stat!

“I think we’re parked, man..."

He’s actually right. MSDS is the old format. It is transitioning to SDS as we speak.

Hashtag #OMGunsulliedninjasquad!

Hashtag: #mypyramidsbeonfireyo

“...And you’re all coming with me! [SMOKE WEED ERRYDAY]"

Lol, this is why Gawker is bankrupt.

So many of these photos fall into the "never let the facts get in the way of a good story" category. I can practically hear the bullshitters now: "But it's about crafting a narrative!"

Whitewashing aside, the one thing that is guaranteed to make me stay away from this movie is if it gets a PG-13 rating.

I wonder if they’re testing a decoy missile like the MALD in a GPS-denied environment?

Nah, it’d be a waste of a good warhead.


So it definitely wasn’t funny “ha ha”.