I starred your post just because of your icon and username. Effin brilliant.
I starred your post just because of your icon and username. Effin brilliant.
Kevlar will not stop a directed stabbing motion, such as a knife attack with the attackers weight behind it. However, it will stop slashing attacks made with a side-to-side motion.
You could have asked about HL3. WHY DIDN’T YOU?!
Well obviously the can was about to hit its expiration date and the cop was just trying to get his money’s worth.
I honestly think the B-1B with its wings swept back I’d one of the most beautiful aircraft ever made.
Of course the Supreme Commander can approach the warhead (which he designed himself on the back of a napkin) because he is totally immune to radiation!
I’m still holding out hope that 10 years from now, when the Chiron is old hat, Bugatti will realize Jason Torchinsky’s dream and build their next car (they can call it Ultron) with a single flat 2-cylinder engine that displaces 50 liters via pistons the size of small garbage cans.
Mexican-Canadian huh? Now there’s a partnership you don’t see every day.
HOLY SHIT. Does Doom use steamworks? Because this is really, REALLY making me want to buy the boxed version now just for the artwork.
What the hell is on her face?!
“Shut your fucking face, pumpkin fuckaaa!”
This thing looks less like a crotch rocket and more like a crotch supercollider.
If Arkham Knight had a shitstorm matrix, it would be as big and complex as the actual Matrix.
I want to get SFV... in about a year.
You know what? I’m glad.
I’m gonna go with “catastrophic mechanical failure waiting to happen”.
I usually prefer hearty, salty SJW tears. And boy has this post delivered!
I’m glad some devs still have the balls to make games where the women are sexy, just because they can. Those devs are pretty much extinct in the US.