
If Arkham Knight had a shitstorm matrix, it would be as big and complex as the actual Matrix.

I want to get SFV... in about a year.

You know what? I’m glad.

Hungry? It’s fresh.

I’m gonna go with “catastrophic mechanical failure waiting to happen”.

I usually prefer hearty, salty SJW tears. And boy has this post delivered!

I’m glad some devs still have the balls to make games where the women are sexy, just because they can. Those devs are pretty much extinct in the US.

Unless I’m mistaken (and that is always a possibility) you bit the hook of a troll’s line. Not to say there aren’t many folks out there who actually think like this, but the wording is too well-chosen.

They all had to settle for the local McDonald's.

I loved Negasonic in this film. She’s the ultimate Goth Tsundere.

Remember back in the day when there was no such thing as DLC, because the “D” part didn’t exist? When an expansion pack came out and the first thing people thought wasn’t “Christ, they cut this from the game just before launch, didn’t they...” but rather “HOLY SHIT, THERE’S MORE?!

You’re right. Storing eggs in drones is a terrible idea.

Looks like he’s holding some sort of abyssal crustacean.

Maybe it’s buried somewhere in all the non-featured replies, but the thing that worries me the most about this is the fact that -if Russia actually goes through with this- it will be the first time in a loooong time that Russia will have conducted a live nuclear test.

I, too, unknowingly took part in the creation of one of modern cinema’s most shamelessly pandering action franchises.

Thank you! I am so tired of hearing commenters say that ground fighting will be “playing right into ISIS’ hands”, as if the civilized world bombing the living shit out of them hasn’t already been shoehorned into their sick apocalyptic narrative. You should always understand your enemy, but never allow them to dictate

You... do know that automatic assault rifles are legal already, right? You have to get a special license but you can own one without going to jail.

Yeah. Remember 5 years ago when everyone in the games industry was crowing about how consoles were dead and mobile gaming was the future? Well, turns out that the future is full of games which act like barely-legal versions of Las Vegas slot machines.

Wow, you actually used the phrase “Super Bowl” in the article headline. How many C&D letters from NFL lawyers has Gawker had to dodge in the last few days?

The US needs to start putting serious pressure on China to get this crazy bastard in line.