
“Right from your wallet.”

Turok big head mode 4 lyfe! So glad to see modern games embracing this 90s standby.

That was adorable! I need to watch that series now...

I always enjoyed the flamethrower from Turok 2, if only out of pure nostalgia because it was the first time I’d used one in a video game and it looked pretty cool at the time despite being questionably effective.

Ronsul’s ennui is delightfully palpable.

That title gif is what I imagine a Sasquatch on a roller-coaster looks like.

“It incorporates a 20 percent blend of steel shavings and carbon particles into regular concrete, which allows the mix to conduct electricity, generating heat and melting any ice.”

It’s actually interesting that you bring this up, because this is where delusion begins to merge with honest-to-goodness mental disease, as well as a bit of Dunning-Kruger syndrome.

“...possibly thousands of Iraqis were killed during the coalition onslaught.”

Yup. People are easily-distracted, intoxicatable, prone-to-dozing-off, seizure and heart-attack afflicted primates who would sooner make sure that tweet about their dinner gets out to the world as pay attention to the road around them. I heartily embrace robocars for the commuting masses.

“But I’m going to go a step further in defending GM’s lack of airbags. Not because I’m a monster (though who isn’t these days???????)“

I have never seen anyone depicted in such a zen-like state of placidness whilst operating a FREAKING JET-PACK.

I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

According to GTA I just need to lightly impact enough shrubberies and my vehicle will erupt in a giant fireball in no time.

These look so much like old-fashioned doorbell buzzers, and now I can’t un-see it.

I like the pseudo-Bone up in the corner. Most people forget that it can carry way more bombs than the B-52, and at a much higher speed. It would certainly have been a formidible opponent to face in its original nuclear bomber role, spitting out B83s and B61s and leaving a trail of glassed targets in its wake.

It still blows my damn mind that this giant science complex is zooming around IN SPACE over our heads RIGHT NOW. Some people point to terrible current events and lament humanity’s lack of progress as a society, but we’ve got SPACE OFFICE BUILDINGS now. That’s gotta count for something.

I’m sure this headline sounds strange to a lot of younger people reading this article, but in 1982 the US and Soviet Union were all but at each other’s throats.

I wonder what would happen if a Tethys-sized object impacted Saturn. Would it just shred apart into a new ring system? Or would it create an almighty explosion as it plowed into the liquid interior?

Problematic Meat Backlog would make a great band name.