
Oh hey! Another Macross series that will never see the light of day in the US because Harmony Gold is run by dicks.

Remember when companies put their addresses on ads? Since they had to, because the internet didn’t exist yet. Nowadays you’re lucky if you get a corporate PR Twitter handle.

It’s Pepto Bismol in vehicle form.

CGI seems like the wrong medium to use for Berserk. It’s too clean. The world of Berserk was well-defined but had a more rough-hewn quality to it. Animation in the style of Attack on Titan or One-Punch Man would suit this much better.

It’s the long-lost cousin of Coily the Spring Sprite!


After all these years, the thing that really gets me about this movie is the small, subtle rendition of the Imperial March that plays as Luke stares into the true face of his dying father, as the Death Star II falls apart around them both.


Yes. Yes it will.

Tyler, does the US have anything comparable to the S-400, and if not, why? Seems like a useful battlespace tool.

Love this logo! I have a soft spot for 80s hand-drawn titles. There’s a certain warmth to them that no amount of high-resolution photoshoppery will ever match.

I love how the camera software, despite being used to track stars and meteors, was perfectly capable of tracking arachnids as well.

“...after reaching an altitude of 329,839 feet—technically high enough to be considered space.”

That would have increased the build time by at least 9 months.

Can any Jalops here identify the silver car that the bridge pulled down toward the end of the clip?

The great thing about the PC version (and maybe the console versions, I dunno how they handle mods) is that this kind of thing will inevitably be fixed a couple months down the road.

To be fair we actually meant to hit the hospital, so in that sense we were pretty precise.

Heh heh. Snatch strap.

[Entire Ubisoft Team]: “Wait a second... you can just choose... NOT to run a franchise into the ground?”

This poster makes me fear for the prospects of the Wonder Woman movie.