
The movie looks interesting, but that PG-13 rating is not helping to sell the scary aspect at all. I’m sick to death of spineless studios restricting how terrifying a movie can be just to get more PG-13 demo cash.

You don’t understand all the pandering because you’re coming at the issue logically instead of emotionally, and thus you realize when an argument makes no sense.

I love all the “WHARRRGARBLE NINTENDO NOT FEMINIST RAWWGGHH” reactions that Kotaku is posting here. Mainly because they are grossly overblown and hilariously needy-sounding.

Dear Sony,

And remember, it’s highly likely that most of those new computers are being used for the same purposes as new US supercomputers: advanced military research. I’d bet that they’re trying to iron out the kinks in their DF-21 “carrier killer” IRBM, and developing more ballistic area denial systems we don’t yet know about.

You’re correct, but Steam also doesn’t distinguish between actual gameplay and, say, forgetting you left a game on overnight. Not saying the reviewer didn’t get in a good old-fashioned simulated molesting or two before they quit...

One of the first video games I ever owned was “Snoopy’s Magic Show” for my 1st-Gen monochrome-green-screened Game Boy brick. From what I remember, it was essentially a puzzle game with the Peanuts name tacked into it. Gameplay was something about bouncing magic balls around to earn points. Not that great, but it was a

Ancient Egypt sure had a lot of white people, didn’t it?

“What could possibly go wrong?”

Correction: Ronda Rousey is still amazing.

To this day, whenever I see some goober sticking their feet out a car window, all I can think about is that one scene from the movie Death Proof.

That, or it’s the world’s most awkward o-face.

There’s a HamNo article from earlier this year (after the Charlie Hebdo attacks) trending right now that can be summed up as “Keep a stiff upper lip and take it, old bean. Those ISIS chaps are just common criminals. We have the moral high ground, so clearly we’ve already won.” Well, France basically did just that, and

The great thing about that last pic is that it is actually from a French nuclear test. Folks tend to forget that they’re the 3rd largest nuclear power on Earth.

I feel like Nintendo missed an opportunity by choosing Cloud over Tifa. She’s the only one in the group who actually has hand-to-hand combat skills!

ISIS needs to be eradicated. Full stop. Send a coalition of half a million ground troops into Syria and sweep the entire country from north to south. Burn everything and everyone offering the slightest hint of ISIS support to ashes. Level their strongholds. Obliterate their barbaric ground forces. Bring them to their

I hope the movie’s big twist is that they ultimately couldn’t produce a proper fake version, so they ended up having to go to the moon for real.

Likely an ALCM rotary launch rack. Nothing says “Hi there China! Don’t fuck around with international airspace and shipping lanes” like a bunch of nuclear cruise missiles.

Thank you! Just slapping some copper and gears on something does not make a good homage.

It’s the AWESOME thing to do.