
Personally I wish that the US ship had sailed to within 1 mile of those islands, just to reinforce to China that the atolls are still nobody’s legal claim, and that until an international agreement is reached nobody has the right to just sail up to them and shout “mine!”

The short answer: really advanced flight computers.

I think that people worried that Mario Maker is just a giant factory for Kaizo Mario-style levels are overlooking the fact that regular, good old-fashioned fun-to-play levels don’t make for good website content, so they don’t get any attention. There are plenty of great levels out there, I just wish Nintendo made it

Ah, I see what you were getting at. That’s a good point indeed.

Putin has confirmed that he is willing to use tactical nuclear weapons even against a purely conventional force if “Russia’s existence is threatened.” So although there may be Russian civilians that don’t adhere to the idea that nuclear weapons can be used tactically, the current Russian leadership absolutely sees

Does the US even field nuclear-capable torpedoes or sub-surface missile hybrids anymore? It seems like, in our post-Cold War haste to disarm our tactical weaponry, we have severely limited our options for delivery of low-yield warheads.

Well, you are definitely right about the Syrian situation being a sideshow in terms of a direct threat to the US. Of course, the whole area has become an incubation chamber for terrorists that will be an indirect threat to the US for decades to come, but that’s a separate issue. However, I’d be hesitant to say that

Just wait, if you thought it was unsettling now, wait until you’ve used the controller for 3 years and Vault Boy’s facial features have been worn away by friction and palm sweat.

Well... that would require Bungie to first release Destiny on PC. And given their previous track record with the Halo games on PC (or lack thereof), that will happen right around the time the sun swells up into a bloated giant and swallows the Earth whole.

I never really noticed that there was a set of freaking human bones, complete with broken(?) skull, just sitting around in this wooden display case (complete with a tiny lamp and awful wallpaper/carpeting) like it ain’t no thang.

Excellent reporting, Jason.

Imagine if all of these were joints...

“Remember kiddies, everything America has ever done was evil and wrong and racist and sexist and colonialist and nothing good ever came out of it and if you don’t agree you’re a fascist war pig misogynist and I HATE YOU SO MUCH I JUST DROOLED ON MYSELF.”

Remember, this is still a Gawker-run site, so anything and anyone to the right of Mao Zedong is considered wrong. The default brush their authors typically use to paint the rest of the world is the “everyone hates America” fan brush of white guilt and self-loathing. I still don’t know how a moderate like Tyler Rogoway

I still haven’t played Destiny (I know, it’s awesome now and I don’t really have an excuse anymore) but with regards to shotguns, it is amazing how far removed video game shotguns have to be from their real-world counterparts for them to be truly balanced.

Well, to be sure, in some areas such as business, gender inequality is a real issue (not that it isn’t in the US, but it is much more pronounced in Japan). In other areas, such as tolerance of homosexuality, they are much more accepting in general.

Holy crap, the weapon detailing on this one is bonkers!

Say what you will about some of the less-savory aspects of anime/manga culture in Japan (and they definitely exist), but in terms of being egalitarian from a consumer standpoint they are way ahead of the US.

Yeah, they’re paid Kremlin trolls. One of their favorite MOs is to equate anyone who doesn’t support the illegal annexation of Crimea or the eastern Ukraine “rebels” with Nazis. They straight-up Godwin every thread they can find that isnt directly related to slobbing Putin’s micro-knob. I doubt some of them even hate