
Bathroom breaks must really be a pain in one of these things.

WRONG. If I could make my toast or waffles WITH lasers, breakfast really would be the most important meal of the day.

Donald Pleasence?!

Well... that would require Bungie to first release Destiny on PC. And given their previous track record with the Halo games on PC (or lack thereof), that will happen right around the time the sun swells up into a bloated giant and swallows the Earth whole.

I never really noticed that there was a set of freaking human bones, complete with broken(?) skull, just sitting around in this wooden display case (complete with a tiny lamp and awful wallpaper/carpeting) like it ain’t no thang.

Excellent reporting, Jason.

Imagine if all of these were joints...

“We, the representatives of the good and noble planet Whangdangle, do hereby salute your primitive world with our delightful luminous bowling balls of mirth and bemusement.”

“Includes bag” - How nice of them, they give you a little plastic shroud to bury your dignity in.

“Remember kiddies, everything America has ever done was evil and wrong and racist and sexist and colonialist and nothing good ever came out of it and if you don’t agree you’re a fascist war pig misogynist and I HATE YOU SO MUCH I JUST DROOLED ON MYSELF.”

This is some metal shit right here.

I’m really looking forward to this!

Remember, this is still a Gawker-run site, so anything and anyone to the right of Mao Zedong is considered wrong. The default brush their authors typically use to paint the rest of the world is the “everyone hates America” fan brush of white guilt and self-loathing. I still don’t know how a moderate like Tyler Rogoway

Cloud Atlas is a seriously underrated epic of a film. Honestly I think it’s the best thing they’ve directed since The Matrix. The visuals aren’t emphasized nearly as much as the interpersonal relationships. Of course, it helps that the Wachowskis were adapting previously-existing source material.

I still haven’t played Destiny (I know, it’s awesome now and I don’t really have an excuse anymore) but with regards to shotguns, it is amazing how far removed video game shotguns have to be from their real-world counterparts for them to be truly balanced.

How have I not known about this show?! I’m going to check this out ASAP.

Well, to be sure, in some areas such as business, gender inequality is a real issue (not that it isn’t in the US, but it is much more pronounced in Japan). In other areas, such as tolerance of homosexuality, they are much more accepting in general.

Drunkbot3000 performed exactly as intended, I don’t know what the big deal is.

Holy crap, the weapon detailing on this one is bonkers!

Say what you will about some of the less-savory aspects of anime/manga culture in Japan (and they definitely exist), but in terms of being egalitarian from a consumer standpoint they are way ahead of the US.