
The only (bleak) upside to that kind of a conflict would be that the US also has ASAT weaponry to use against Chinese satellites. Of course, then it would turn into a conflict between two semi-blind nuclear-armed giants, which I’m sure would end well for everyone involved.

Yeah, they’re paid Kremlin trolls. One of their favorite MOs is to equate anyone who doesn’t support the illegal annexation of Crimea or the eastern Ukraine “rebels” with Nazis. They straight-up Godwin every thread they can find that isnt directly related to slobbing Putin’s micro-knob. I doubt some of them even hate

Thanks for posting this video. Unlike some commenters here I actually enjoy seeing this tech used in training.

Ah, you are absolutely correct! I had a brain fart and got the two mixed up.

Sheep-maintained radar arrays and nuke protesters at the wrong address. Must have been a pretty interesting time!

Everything old is new again.

OK, so this has been bugging me for a bit and I now turn to the Gawker Commentariat for answers (always a good life decision): Is it more offensive to wear a generic native American-style outfit to get drunk at a Halloween party? Or to wear an authentic native American outfit while you’re drunk at a a Halloween party?

Angry black swastika Santa Claus frowns on your shenanigans.

I wish they’d done that for the CoD 2 and Modern Warfare 1. The “defend the huge-ass house from Nazis” and “wait by the radioactive ferris wheel” sit-and-kill missions were utterly absurd to try and beat on the hardest difficulty levels.

Pictured: what a cargo load of small arms might look like.

I’ve never been able to eat truly enormous meals. Anytime I’ve tried, something in my brain snaps and my body goes right from signaling “you’re full, now stop eating” to “EVACUATE ALL STOMACH CONTENTS IMMEDIATELY.” Now, given enough time I can eat a single large serving of whatever. But asking me to eat even a couple

I love how, even in their professional shots, they still don’t bother to clean up the scanty bits of fallen iceberg lettuce from the tray.


This is really cool! Just imagine if the American Red Cross decided to have a promotion with characters from Legend of Korra, Steven Universe, or Adventure Time. I bet it could work here too!

Tyler, thanks for writing these updates. It is interesting to hear that the Russians would use cruise missiles against their anti-Assad targets. Is the Kalibr-Nk purely conventional or does it also have nuclear capabilities?

I didn’t think this through very well at all, it seems.

Hey, I never said it was that practical. Also I don’t follow the comics that much but isn’t Superman supposed to be more vulnerable now or something? Like he was when he was originally created, instead of being basically an immortal god now?

Does Latveria have no plastic surgeons?

I wish Superman’s alternate identity involved a huge beard. Not because I want him to be some insufferable hipster, but because there is actually a practical reason for it. Superman’s hair is incredibly strong! Having a beard would be like wearing a face-mounted carbon nanotube shield for Supes. Then he could go off