
I bought the PS3 version, then a week later my PS3 promptly died. No idea why. I mean, there's no YLOD and the system actually turns on, but I can't see any images. Yes, I tried the HDMI fix and that doesn't do anything either. It's truly bizarre. Basically, my PS3 is a vegetable system. Functioning, but unable to

"Acknowledging that the Dead or Alive fighting franchise has a sexy image problem..."

I'm just glad I got the chance to play the original back in 2002. It's a fantastic game, so it's a damn shame the IP is currently trapped in the constipated corporate bowels of several large publishers.

I wish I could get your joke, as well as the bauxite requisition quip! That pic is hilarious!

Or you could skydive into a barfight!

I love the fact that this photo shows the car using some kind of crazy hybrid "tweel" tech. Sounds like something Doc Brown would choose to be an early adopter for!

Does the B-52 still have a nuclear-capable mission? Seems like every time I go to wikipedia I get conflicting reports on which types of air-launched cruise missiles are still in operation. Obviously the B-52 is too slow to still use free-fall nukes, that job is left to tactical fighters and the B-52. I guess if it is

Very inventive solution! Now I'm wondering what character she is cosplaying.

Dear Square-Enix:

Use 'em (with a non-infringing livery) to add that little extra bit of authenticity to your "ma'am, I've got a big package for you" deliveryman porno.

*Huff* *Pant* *Wheeze*

Watch out for termites!

Shh, don't confuse matty-g with your logic or facts. He's clearly adopted a "stick your head in the sand and hope all the world's problems magically disappear" stance. I'm betting that if he were born 50 years ago he would have fit nicely into a "Better Red than Dead" protest.

QUOTE | "I'm going to stop doing press and I'm going to stop talking about games completely." - Veteran designer Peter Molyneux, responding to the "terrible and awful, emotional time over the last three days" after he admitted failing to deliver his Godus Kickstarter promises.

"Ello there young lass, looks like you've 'ad a spot of bother in your boot. Mind if I wheel my lorry 'round the back so I can prang my kite right in your how's-your-father?"

Why can't we go back to the days of hand-drawn box art like this? Yes, it's orange and blue. But holy crap, look at it. It's got a flying skeleton and an old man's head floating above a medieval castle surrounded by lava! With lightning in the background! It's metal as hell, and would sure as shit grab my attention

Or five monsters with hunter-powers chasing one hunter with monster-powers. I can't wait for someone to mod that into the game.

This reminds me of when I played GTAIII on my PS2. I found out quite by accident that if you did enough fire truck missions, the health of your fire truck would be incrementally increased to compensate for the inevitable damage from collisions. I kept doing these missions, and after something like 2+ straight hours of

I heard a theory that the reason the Vita seemed so half-baked was that it got rushed out the door to combat PSP piracy, hence it was designed not so much as a games platform with a long term strategy, but as a hardware "upgrade" to solve a short-term financial problem. Maybe that is why development studios were