
I think I am just tired of all the white men, except Chris Hayes.

So happy Joy is filling in for Lawrence.

Please don’t give them any ideas.

I call my mom Mother. My older brother set the name and the 2 younger followed suit. I think it was because she’s not very affectionate. Dad was daddy except for older brother, who doesn’t call him anything.

Anne Hathaway is the Hillary of acting. some are just going to hate her regardless.

Idon’t know that it’s a matter of her preferring/favoring one over the other or more about who she felt needed her more.

Most Trump voters will never recognize their racism or his.

Iwould really like a day without crying.

Blind trust is only for his supporters.

It’s just one of many phrases people should stop using. As a middle aged person, I know it was common to tell boys something like this. After we calmed down, we discussed what words might not be so insulting and offensive.

OKfor some.

Emotional?? WTF, she was so composed and strong. I don’t know how she managed-or how ANYONE would manage under the circumstance.

WishI had been this articulate in my response to him.

Someone near and dear to me said of Hillary this morning, “She took the loss like a man”. I think my head spin all the way around before I exploded.

It’s a shame the little shit didn’t feel emboldened enough to sign his or her name. Chickenshit fucked.

Thank you. Accepting this and trying to unite would be the same as saying racism, xenophobia, mysogony and sexual assault are OK. Just no.

Andnothing to do with how far conservatives are with liberals, who got the popular vote? WTF?

Yeah, I haven’t been this despondent since my be committed suicide in 2010. Don’t wait for a punchline.

Iunfollowed my mom a couple of months ago, my brother (a gloating Bernie or bust guy) and cousin today.

Thereare a lot in the greys who really would like to be a part of this open discussion.