
Lol, my partner is treating me like I’m ill. Has gone to get me Taco Bell.

Weed just puts me to sleep, maybe because of all the booze I have before I smoke any.

I’m not working. Turned off the news and turned on Dr Who to try and stop the tears. I just keep remembering the look on my daughter’s face last night as she loaded up my granddaughter and grandson to head home after we had given up.

Thankyou for highlighting some good news. I don’t know how y’all are even functioning today.

There should be a reality show about the trumps slumming it in the white house.

Much love for this. Can I please get out of the greys.

Sir sniffs a lot wants drug tests?

Thank you for making me think.

And then these immigrants will be looked down on (by the type of people who create these types of laws) for living in sin or having children out of wedlock.

Having been the solitary woman in meetings, I found that banging the table works. I’m positive it depends on the attendees.

Mydaughter and stepdaughter had it. Every time we thought we had it beat, it would be back (my ex was living with a nurse who would check). Daily combing is what finally worked. I would have them leave in their conditioner when they showered. Don’t know if that helped get rid of the lice, but certainly made combing

Iam not seeing any comments on this disturbing story. I hope that’s a bug or something and not people ignoring.

I read it o huffpo the same day that her resignation was reported.

I am a lifelong resident of Dallas County (have never lived in the city of Dallas). I have friends and family on both sides of the gun issue. It is frustrating to have to ask people not to bring guns into my home. I don’t even want to think of what sort of tragedy will have to occur to bring about even modest gun

Looking at you, Dick Cheney.

As a white, middle aged woman, I can’t know how you feel. I don’t even know what to say. ‘I’m so sorry’ is all that comes to mind.

I was just thinking about how much restraint and patience has been demonstrated in the struggle for equality.

I would be interested in seeing data on whether men are more likely to inflate their work hours in a self reporting study like this.

Some people do get sober by ultimatum. Right before I got married my grandfather told my grandmother she could go to rehab or go live with one of her daughters (who would have absolutely taken her in). She chose rehab and never drank again.