
All on point. Especially #1 because no one else is in a position to do that effectively. Everybody’s gotta step up on this.

You may be joking but I never mentioned religion, that was your assumption. Anyway, no real followers of Islam were involved in this. If anything it’s those that twist the teachings into a complex pretzel of misguided falsehoods.

It takes a very special type of coward to volunteer to blow up kids. I cannot even imagine the beyond fucked up mindsets that did this. Fuck them, fuck all of them that were involved.

The part where Marge is so stressed that she’s started popping pills four years worth of pills in less than 100 days really did make me sad.

Frozen 2: The Flagpole

At least it’ll get two seasons before Amazon cancels it for no good reason despite excellent reviews.

The administration showed its hand. Reacting to an account means there surely must be some truth there.

here’s the list of products her makeup artist uses “sometimes”:

Knowing why people do stupid shit is a key step in getting them to stop. Ignoring this significant problem to spare white people the horror of self reflection would be idiotic.  

This is why so many people voted for — and continue to support — Trump even as he promised to gut the programs they depend on for survival. They honestly believe there’s a fundamental difference between the “good” programs for (white) people in “legitimate need” that keep them afloat and the programs that exist to

I think that making excuses for the racist Trump supporters needs to stop.

I honestly can’t say I drink water more than 2 or 3 times a year. I stick to soda and beer, which seems to work fine.

Hey, when I was learning programming, one of the male programmers patiently explained to me that I could never learn to code because women’s brains fundamentally lacked the ability to understand logic. Women, he explained, were biologically incapable of employing logic and thus could never be programmers. He’s

Two of my college professors tried to tell me I shouldn’t be a coder and should seek a different degree, despite me being a 4.0 student. One of them later got busted for sexist grading policies.

I can’t comment on whether Austin is really blue or not, but I would consider Dallas purple. I lived there for 12 years and while it is certainly far more liberal than the rest of the state, much of the population is still focused on preserving their own wealth for themselves, not on community involvement or social

“Many of the so called ‘voters’ who voted against me were actually egged on by Hillary Clinton who ‘campaigned’ to try to get them to vote for her. Sad!”

That’s... that’s just Democracy Donald... Why do you hate democracy?

They will stay silent as long as they do not lose too much, then maybe they would do something.