
Me too. 

I went back to school as a 30something freshman on the G.I. Bill, and just finished my Bachelor’s last year.

I wasn’t 1st gen, but def. was poor. There’s a story line about the poor smart girl trying to figure out how to pay for her mother’s hospital bills that got me right there. It’s all over the top in the show of course, but with just enough REAL LIFE of the sort you never see in American TV to be totally awesome.

If you want 12 hours of entertainment about this, I highly recommend Sky Castle, a whole Korean drama based stuff like this. It’s amazeballs. Like, it’s this story, but with more destruction and honesty about what happens to poor smart kids.

You can pry my bread and tortillas from my cold dead hands. Bury me in burritos.

The real reason Cortez beat the Aztecs is because he got a lot of native allies who were tired of seeing their loved ones’ hearts cut out to make the sun rise, but OK. 

Did anyone kill their father, sleep with their mother, and then blind themselves over this?  Because that would be a tragedy.

Maybe you should stop trying to eat your sandwich with a spoon.

Oh hell, I knew zins were to be avoided when I was twelve and definitely not personally familiar with the taste of wine varietals.

Doxie twitter was NOT happy last night.

You mean it should’ve been the long-haired dachshund? Because I agree. 

Oh I have that beat: I think I heard them called “Brazil nuts” for the first time time in my teens.

It’s not a big deal; just ask one of the women he keeps locked in cages in his basement!

Can you guys do a bourbon tasting with Pringles snack cups? Can you also un-grey me?

I’m not a government employee, but do have a father who’s sick with an illness that may be terminal. I don’t know yet if it is, but signs are not looking up. I was born on a military base in Japan which means I have to go to the U.S. State Department for a copy of my birth certificate. I need a birth certificate

My Lyft driver to the airport was an FBI agent with a sick kid. How much does that fucking suck?

Christ, how many 70's era couches did they have to murder to get the material for that jacket (shirt?) in the first pic?

Don’t expose it to open flame.....hell don’t even look at a pic of the Olympic torch on TV while wearing that travesty.

Regular pancakes are fine, but blueberry pancakes are sublime.

Thank goodness. This means I can stop calling up random Williams-Sonoma employees and yelling at them. 

Stop trying to make “tchup” happen. It’s not going to happen.