
Dibs on the Crock-Pot! I like to give something useful.

Also, Henry VIII put one of Megan Markle’s ancestors to death for not naming Catholics.


Best fundraising idea ever:

Intentional strikeout question. What about this scenario? Your team is comfortably ahead, it starts to rain hard and it’s only going to get worse. You want to get to an official complete game before the game is cancelled for weather.

Dress code is all grays.

I guess the real lesson here is once in a while, celebrities have the common sense to get the hell out of the limelight and enjoy their giant piles of money and leave us alone.

“It’s the Lifestyles of the.....Goddammit, I’m still alive!”

Eh. As a DC resident I can say firsthand, DC is not short of naked lady statues. This one will not be missed. The Mall goes through a lot, the turf doesn’t need to be torn up again for bad art that is also too-flipping tall to be in DC. The limit is 45 feet, not 45 feet plus a two foot base. That’s 47 feet, you

This is a sad day for all DC-area macrophiliacs

Hey, Christmas: Sorry I’m not home right now, I’m walking into Spiderwebs...

Between this and the juggalos descending on DC I am fucking convinced that the old gods have awoken and enjoy spending every day taking rolls on how insane reality will be like a damn D&D game.

It was the juggalos. They did this. Somehow.


Depends which child you’re speaking about....

She’s definitely wearing makeup, but she is also really beautiful.

Yeah, she’d probably placenta top 10.

“This, lads, is a hurley, used in the Irish game of hurling, a cross between hockey and murder”.