
Gross. So if its her cake, and she wants to discriminate, she can sell it to her friends or fucking sell it on craigslist, or her goddamned church bake sale. If we did things your way, we would be allowing individual human cognitive stupidities to rule us, rather than reason. Freedom is also freedom FROM.

Aight. Provided that Granny's business did not take any government subsidies, the sidewalk outside Granny's place was never repaired by the municipality, any necessary repairs to street parking was made by Granny, and Granny had to provide her own fire department and police force if she wanted protection for the store

So you're against clearly marked exit signs?

Boy, that story took a sharp right turn for the surreal with the bit about the federal government forcing grannies to bake cakes. That's some disturbingly tasty totalitarianism right there. Boooooo, jack-booted fascists! Yaaaaaay, buttercream frosting!

Well, to be totally fair to all of the horribly bigoted bakers out there, no one has a right to a wedding cake.

I love how appropriate your name is.

I'd like to be the devil's advocate, but these Satanists know what they're doing.


I think mine would have Mi'kmaq hieroglyphys, fractals and flowers and cartoons! But I would prefer to march into battle with a motley crew, everyone with their own flag.

That's what they are- hipster terrorists.

Sriracha flavor? Well, I guess ISIS is the hipster terrorist group.

exactly what they want you to think.

This made me laugh far harder than I feel comfortable with.

What I always find so especially pathetic about ISIS is the sheer and stunning stupidity and hypocrisy of hating the West while benefiting immensely from its institutions and the values that built those institutions. You fucktards wouldn't have Twitter, Youtube, email, or even the fucking internet without the West but

Allahvun It

Would buy

That's so disappointing that a group of war criminals who carry out widespread ethnic and religious cleansing, rape women, and employ child junk food. I mean, profiteroles with cheap chocolate? How gauche. With all the money they steal, surely they could fly in some artisanal toast. I'm worried

As the guy who wrote that, I really, really agree with this comment.

Getting burned at the steak would probably not be that bad.