
This is a movie waiting to happen. "Big Night", but for pot.

Crazy, I know. Fairly blows your mind, doesn't it.

Gawd, my instant reaction to that is to strip down to a braless t-shirt, shorts, and flip flops and go walking down the street while looking for the worst vegetarian junk food I can find.

That's a grilled cheese sandwich like chicken salad is fucking vegetarian.

Hamptons, please.

Haha, not really my scene, to be honest. I'm more of a museums and airplane graveyards kind of girl :)

Ehh, still don't care, but thanks.

I far prefer Paso; it's so much more laid back and casual!

The perfect place for someone who hates skirts and can't eat meat. Another reason to stay away!

And now you have a reason to!

Oh gah, where do I even start? Pretty much all of these are either right near the town center (except one) or right along the 46.

HAHAHAHAHA - touché! Which wineries do you fancy? I love to talk about the wineries up there - I can suggest some GREAT ones :)

Meh, it's more than 35 miles from the ocean; it's my version of the wastelands.

Well, I mean the company has been around since the late 19th century, but nope, no clue which other company you might be confusing with it.

Irwindale was definitely there first (unfortunately). The city incorporated in 1957, and the factory began operations in 2010.

I declare the city of Irwindale a public nuisance, so there.


this is why I was right: you're more interested in being right and shaming me than you are in understanding the fact that bullying people through concern trolling is both unbelievably condescending as well as useless. Just stop. Don't assume I don't understand basic concepts of physics FFS. If demonstrating your

go fuck yourself. You know nothing of my medical situation.

Not even going to bother explaining my medical situation to you, but while that unbelievably obvious and condescending explanation may work for some people, it is not the case for me.