Smiley R

Well it worked ok for Jesus. So hey anything is possible.

His fundamental disagreement is that Kelly and Kaepernick don’t agree with him.

That’s not the issue or my point. The bathroom bill, as disgusting as it is, has nothing to do with police misconduct. The legislature in NC could not have prevented this shooting. There are sufficient laws already on the books that are designed to hold police officers accountable when they exceed the scope of their

He’s got to get back to work at midnight? I guess a good nights sleep while a major city in your state is under duress, is the only thing a man of his integrity is capable of doing.

“store bough pie” Didn’t even have the decency to bake it themselves. Talk about injustice.

I can’t argue with the first part of your post, because I don’t know when you read the stories or where those stories came from. I have seen the race of the officer reported selectively in some major news outlets, others have buried it. In any event that is not what my overall point was. The media loves covering these

Oh brother. First of all “every” major 24 hour commercial news network is built and predicated upon “opinion” shows. Shows like The Orielly Factor, Situation Room, etc. These shows fill almost the entirety of prime time cable news network lineup. In order for these shows to be successful they have transitioned into a

What? How in the world do you think “police officers” are responsible any more than any other profession for electing Republicans. You are cherry picking voting rights of people in order to show they are responsible for the disgusting things the NRA has done. If we are going to play that game, we might as well blame

But now the focus is once again on the violent riots that are taking place in the streets of another major city in America, so how is that helping to fix the problem or keep the focus on fixing the parts of the system that are not working.

Not all law enforcement support the NRA or the GOP, in fact a great many actually have spoken out against open carry laws and the ease in which guns find their way onto the streets. You are also generalizing all police officers, just like racists like to generalize all people of color.

Aside from the fact that the two things have nothing to do with the other, it’s not the Legislatures job to bring about justice, that is the job of the courts and the judicial system.

Dallas? You mean the protests where 5 officers were killed and before that people were rioting in the streets and throwing things at cops. I’m afraid I don’t understand your distinction.

Um actually that is flat out wrong, as many people were tasered and gassed during the Occupy Wall Street protests. But whatever...

Because the media in this country is not interested in reporting the truth. They are only interested in pitting black people against white people and for the benefit of financial gain. Never mind that 99% of all police shootings in this country are justified, no we have to focus on the 1% that go wrong. Even if every

Yeah that was awkward. I guess one slur deserves another.

I thought that was his running mate.

Does anyone else think that strike zone graphic looks like an erect penis?

They hate us for our ratings.

Sherman burned that take to the ground.

My favorite one.