Oh man please do not mention the name Charlie Leibrandt in Atlanta, you will git shot. That man could not handle the “breaking stuff”. His balls never broke. In fact they are still intact.
Oh man please do not mention the name Charlie Leibrandt in Atlanta, you will git shot. That man could not handle the “breaking stuff”. His balls never broke. In fact they are still intact.
It’s OK because the Mets as a team will not be available for ALL games either. Just some of them.
You know what they say, “You can’t secede in business without trying.”
It’s a judgement call, but I would go ahead and stop and salute your nearest flag, even if you have to imagine a flag off in the distance. I am also of the opinion that if you are driving down the road, say on the way to your job, and you happen to see a huge American flag waving in the distance, that you immediately…
What we need is a book of the unwritten rules of standing or not standing for the anthem. Of course I realize that if you write them down they are no longer unwritten but whatever. I mean what about people in wheelchairs can we have something on paper that excuses them from their patriotic duty, like a sticker or…
No but many of his misguided apologists wind up here about once a month it seems to argue that Lincoln freed the slaves and as such it’s really the modern day Democratic party that is filled with “real” racists and such. BTW my reply was not meant to directly counter what “ocelots” posted, but to simply foreshadow the…
Yeah gee I wonder what happened in the “60's” that caused a mass exodus of white southerners to leave the Democratic party. It starts with a “d” and ends with an “gation”. Can’t quite place it though. It will come to me though, soon I hope.
Lets hope they wear a condom.
I was once taken to task over a previous tact that resulted in a new tack when I got back on track.
Ah this is my favorite part of the whole month, when our resident Deadspin historians discuss the historical significance of the civil war and of course assert the frequent misunderstanding that the Emancipation Proclamation freed all the slaves. It’s a shame these “historians” don’t teach at some of our higher…
Is it wrong to admit that I read these previews just to find out if the coach is a dick?
Donald Trump Campaign Slogans
But it wasn’t just as easily a racist white man. I am sorry this case doesn’t suit “your” narrative of white people killing black people. It’s “weak” prison sentences in cities like Chicago, where a convicted felon possessing a firearm gets no more than two years behind bars, that is a big part of the problem in this…
Fucking white people. This is why America hates us.
Don’t worry ESPN plans to drop a bomb shell on day one of the trial.
OMG, I love that. I am really starting to like Drew more and more. He reminds me of someone I never met.
#hashtag, formally the pound key, formally tic tac toe board, and formally the nazis first attempt at the swastika.
Hey I got what you are putting down. Subtle but nice.