Smiley R

Maybe being a hunter / gatherer society wasn’t so bad.

Agreed; the hate that the “tolerant” left throws towards Chick-Fil-A for supporting traditional marriage is effing stupid.

albo; these people are shitbags - don’t try to “discuss” this with them. They do not have the intellectual capacity to tolerate a different viewpoint. The whole “dead kid” argument is bullshit - they’re trying to stretch this topic to say that “If you eat at Chick-Fil-A then kids will kill themselves and you

Their chicken tastes so good because it’s brined in the tears of social justice keyboard warriors.

dead kid.

Go fuck yourself.

Why don’t you go back to your Kentucky Fried Shitcken in a bucket then ..

FYI there are penis enlargement procedures available - violence is not the only solution

You’re a laughable person and nobody has ever been scared of you, ever. Enjoy cheerleeading for murderous incel failures.

I’m not actually defending anybody’s point of view. I’m just pointing out the hypocrisy in our world. There’s plenty coming from all ideologies.

These fragile white folks think reparations are about ‘punishment’. No, this is about equity. That wealth didn’t disappear just because the thieves died. It’s still in the system and needs go back to the people whose ancestors actually worked for it.

It always struck me as odd that the place you learn about democracy and rights is also the place that limits both to the greatest extent. 

A homeless man died while sitting on a New York City subway platform Wednesday morning

Ya, this Kinja thing really went downhill after the whole Nick Denton thing. Everything is either intended to be racist or to bully. Shut up already - shit like this only serves to mute out all the actual racist shit going on.

No jokes here, they should have thrown that fucking little shit and his dad out of the stadium and barred them from re-entry. What an entitled little mutant. Fuck that kid.

Just a reminder that, yes, Maryland is the South, being south of the Mason-Dixon Line. And no, I'm not one whit surprised that someone from Harford County would employ racial slurs, especially when talking about PG. 

I thought California had all those tough new laws that kept this stuff from happening.

Wait. there are differing opinions outside your echo chamber?! shocked. 

Right - these black cops are racist against blacks, even if they deny it (leftist logic).