
it’s cute how the Jez team gets aboard team prosecutor when it suits their political needs. Persecutors prosecute - that’s their job - so are you now saying that every time a prosecutor says that s/he has a case that means the prosecuted is guilty? That completely undermines the whole #BLM message - but Allen’s a Jew

I can’t really get too bothered at this blackface-lite costume because it was 1971 and people didn’t even know what microaggressions were. I’m more flabbergasted by her willingness to pull this photo out and proudly show the world as if it’s totally cool in the year 2016.

the oldest person in America was black but somehow life is unfair to them?

because when your whore - I mean stripper, blows you, you’d like to know she’s disease free...

Imagine some Yankee calling your teeshrit racist because he little mind can only spew inanities...why is it racist? Because it depicts aspect of American history that make some of us uncomfortable?

he’s 80. He’ll soon go away forever...

around here? not much...

maybe these actresses have their own minds and are lockstep dupes like yourself - we’ve learned - very clearly so, that just because a woman claims rape it makes it so...

thanks for fagsplaining that bob

as opposed to the author of this juvenile blog post?

It’s very easy to offend the easily offended - particularly fags, particularly educated, middle class white faggots, as they have an innate sense that they are internally broken thus all this and that about pride and community and whatnot. The only reason one has a parade to celebrate pride is because they have no

you think that’s the goal? A woman cries rape and shouldn’t have to prove it? I say better 10000 women should be raped than 1 innocent man go to prison...

because I’m a better person than you

I would never use it in public - but I’ve not since I was in Junior high school - except with close friends...

your mother sucking on my dick...

where does “go fuck your mother” rate on the hot take scale?

fuck you and your fuckidy internet lingo...

Now playing

Hey Cultural Editor - it was Risky Business that made Cruise a star - three years earlier...

Hey Doc. Faggot:

I’m telling you that when my dog got old, I would get angry at him and say, like “die already....”